@Vulgar-Boy This thread definitely needs a werewolf rampage.
@Pavel Personally I accuse you, in the conservatory, with the wireless keyboard.
@Adora Man, I wish I had a conservatory.
I forget to look on this website for almost two months and I come back to a goldmine of content to read over.
It’s times like these that I have often wondered about making a YouTube channel solely for the purposes of recording these things for posterity and then talking about it in some kind of pseudo-Keemstar fashion.
Not that I would do that. But after being involved in the commentary community for as long as I have been, it’s something I think about doing.
@renaveleigh said in Neitherlands:
If I were to actually do it, it’d be touching into all kinds of drama within the mush community of current and years past. Covering people like DWOPP, Dropkick, Custodius, Nymeria, VASpider, The Great Spilt of MSB/BMD, and the fall of various mushes over the years.
You don’t pick sides, and everything and everyone can be a potential target. And you only do it if you have everything on hand as being factual, dotted I’s and crossed T’s. Because you don’t want to get shit wrong. That in itself is the liability of the commentary community on YouTube. There’s always that chance you’re going to make a mistake and mistakenly drag someone.
The problem with mush drama is most documentation is hearsay. Except in situations where receipts are produced. You have to be able to vet sources properly. And if you can’t do that, then don’t do it at all. This is inherently the biggest reason why I haven’t made a YouTube channel covering it.
That and really? It’s a lot of work and I don’t know if I have the patience for it.
@Testament Yeah, the only reason I haven’t done any video essay type stuff is because at it’s core, it’s an essay, and I haaaaaate research.
Someone else collate all the data for me, and I’m in.
@Testament lol man i’m nowhere near the center of our little hobby community and the name Custodius rang for me. I remember that person from the early days of Castle Marrach around 2001. Can’t recall most things from that far back but he was creepy and manipulative enough to stick!
So… I really thought all of this shit was just done and over with. It’s been a month, and there’s been a lot of RL happening since, and plenty of other games. Once someone decided that me trying to say that @inuki didn’t deserve to be threatened was me beating a dead horse… I closed this thread and didn’t look back.
But that’s before I woke up to three different DM’s in my Discord about Sophia, asking if I was back. Apparently, a month after being banned, and a month after having been moved to the ‘dead’ part of characters with a note that was just awful…
Sophia lives again? At least long enough to have had her password changed so that scenes set private - and only to her - could be shared game-wide. WTF? How petty can shit get? @inuki - Any ACTUAL answers this time? I kind of thought you’d sunk as low as people can, and had found the hard rock bottom for game staff. But I guess you continue to surprise me!
What the actual fuck.
The place is super dead, so maybe she just figured that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
y i k e s
I appreciate this new (or pseudo-new) crop of staff going out of their way to make me look better by comparison.
@Jenn I am so sorry to hear that.
Back when I was active and running a game, I had suggested to Faraday that there should (IMO at least) be a mechanism to remove unshared / private scenes as part of the newpassword/idle/roster process, either automatically or manually by staff.
I was the one who initially discovered that page conversations weren’t wiped and reported it, and Faraday was able to address pretty quickly. At the time, I hadn’t realized that unshared scenes were also kept.
Given what unshared scenes often consist of, I felt the idea of someone walking into a roster game and seeing that sort of activity with their new character might be off-putting.
Although I realize there’s not an easy solution, because if you erase the scenes you’re taking them away from other players who participated. So I had suggested something like unlinking unshared scenes when the character object is cycled, but I’m not sure THAT is a great solution, either.
But I am so sorry this person keeps finding new ways to victimize you.
Given what unshared scenes often consist of, I felt the idea of someone walking into a roster game and seeing that sort of activity with their new character might be off-putting.
But I am so sorry this person keeps finding new ways to victimize you.
A few things:
I think it would be AMAZIGLY awesome to be able to share private scenes that makes them readable only to the characters who wrote them - and to wipe those if/when one of those charbits enter a scene/delete command.
At least the two she posted weren’t embarrassing. It’s just that one of them was being in the middle of being written when I caught my nuke… And the other was a vignette that was unshared because as I was writing it, things on the IC screen changed circumstances, so it was irrelevant. But I also figured in the future it would come back around again so I let it idle rather than needing to write it.
There are still three scenes that WEREN’T shared by her yesterday. One is a very ugly verbal fight while my character was in the hospital between her, her best friend, and her not-boyfriend. The other two were absolutely nothing at all except some pretty explicit smut. At this point… I’m absolutely expecting revenge porn posting of those at some point. And I’m not gonna lie… That triggers my CPTSD in some truly significant ways. But I realize how irrational that is, too. If it happens, it happens, and all I can do is hope anyone who may read it at least has popcorn. If there /is/ a line @inuki is actually willing not to cross… I’d be ridiculous amounts of surprised and grateful.
@Prospero said in Neitherlands:
Back when I was active and running a game, I had suggested to Faraday that there should (IMO at least) be a mechanism to remove unshared / private scenes as part of the newpassword/idle/roster process, either automatically or manually by staff.