Don’t forget we moved!
Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama
@Jumpscare i’m too mad about people putting text in code blocks that doesn’t have a word wrap. you think i’m gonna scroll horizontally?
“Do you think I should ban people for having conflicts with other characters and making indirect references to these conflicts? Do you think I should ban people from nicknaming other characters or police the nicknames they provide to other characters?”
Holy hell, talking down to someone doesn’t even begin to capture the hostility radiating off this admin. I feel like there’s a few possibilities available between “ban people for nicknames” and “do nothing”.
This could’ve easily been talked out. This is why people don’t talk to staffers unless it’s a last resort.
@Roz said in Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama:
you think i’m gonna scroll horizontally?
Hey. That’s all my waistline does now.