RL Peeves
@foksthery I bet a person could make a successful Patreon-funded YouTube channel out of traveling to antique stores, buying the Nazi shit, and destroying it on camera.
And if Patreon doesn’t cover it, I bet a person could make the world’s most spiteful killing by taking photos of the Nazi stuff before smashing it and selling NFTs of it to Nazis.
Recurring tummy aches that painkillers don’t touch. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@IoleRae So, I did not expect the response that I got. I had no intention of thinking that the goal would be reached, never mind reached in a literal day.
I can’t really put together the words to describe both my relief and my trepidation about having to had to ask for help. But at the same time, I’m just, so, so thankful for it.
I know that we all may not always agree with each other on various topics, but at the core of things, I’m glad that the people that come here are generally good folks at their core, willing to help other people that they have no met.
You have restored a slight bit of my optimism in humanity. And that I will eventually repay this generosity back when I’m able to.
Yes, that requires all caps. I’ve had 5 days of rain where I live, with more expected tomorrow and maybe Thursday, and Ian refuses to leave. They are the guest that has more than overstayed their welcome.
This wouldn’t be a bad thing if I also didn’t generally get sick when it rains for extended periods of time. The barometric pressure kills my body and tries to make it think it is dying. It’s not. But the body BELIEVES it is. Also, it plays havoc on my mental health. There’s a reason I own a HAPPY lamp to stave off Season Affective Disorder. This many days with dark clouds puts me into a dark spiral of doom.
Animals need consistency. If your work is in and out, don’t get an animal till you are steady. If you’re moving soon, don’t get an animal until you’re unpacked. If you’re adding to your family soon, don’t get an animal till you’ve reached a new normal with that dynamic.
I’m not saying don’t get an animal EVER.
But there’s a place and time. If you’re stressed all to hell with trying to take care of yourself then an animal won’t fix it.
I suggest instead you go visit your local shelter/rescue/friend and cuddle their animals for a bit then adopt once your life isn’t a tilt-o-whirl.
I have very minor surgery tomorrow to fix a deviated septum . . .
So, it turns out this was a fucking lie. I’ve been nonstop bleeding from the nose like a psychic who’s tried to move something too big, except for when my nose clogs, and then all the blood instead fountains down the back of my throat for me to swallow and get an upset tummy.
And sleep? Well, I try to fall asleep propped up. But then somehow in the middle of the night slump over or reposition so that I’m just snoring appallingly for the rest of the evening such that even my intrepid SO has had to bail out to the air mattress because as they sheepishly admitted to me, they can’t handle watching the BLOOD BUBBLES. And whilst doing so, I’m over there swallowing all the blood. Additional upset tummy points.
I feel like the absolute most grossest entity to ever walk the earth at the moment, and while I can feel myself rounding the corner on this after 5 days in a row of nosebleed hell, I give this surgery a preliminary score of (Fuck You / 5)
…ahem. Sorry. I was holding that one in for a few days.
@Solstice If it makes you feel any better, I had an extremely similar response, but my blood clots quickly so instead of nose bleeds I was constantly blowing my nose with the lightest possible pressure to dislodge red-black pebbles that were blocking my airway.
AGH. But also yes. A bit.
I was really looking forward to a trip for most of this year, but circumstances and logistics have conspired to make it so I can’t go, and I am sad about it.
I still want everyone else doing the trip to have a fantastic time, I’m just BLEh
Finding out a MU friend who became a good RL friend, who attended my wedding and my husband’s funeral, now has Stage IV cancer.
This post is deleted! -
(Also keep it light on the politics… I think this counts as politics but I have to wait for @Tez to get back to me about it.)
I just want to be able to breathe and feel good in my body again. Wildfire smoke + convergence zone air pattern for like 30 days plus + 80s this weekend in SEATTLE in OCTOBER with no real rain since early June and no change of rain predicted for yet another week = exhausted yucky mietze.
@mietze I’m in that area too. It’s so unnatural feeling. I miss rain like crazy. Everything is dirt colored and dirty feeling and sad.
@mietze I’m sufferin’ right along with you up here.
This is complete shit.
@Pavel there is always room for a good Malcolm Tucker bollocking.
The kittens ended up having ringworm, and for various sucky reasons (including husband coming down with shingles) we had to take them to another foster who doesn’t have those same struggles.
I’m devastated. I also don’t feel like I can show it much because a) it was a no brainer to send them to someone else, and b) husband is in pain from this thing.
So I just feel horrible but got to keep it quiet.
@junipersky ug i’m sorry.