Staff and playable pcs
I was talking to a friend and this came up. I want to hear everyone’s views on it. Should A staff have players characters on a story driving mush. B if staff is allowed to have a PC’s should they have to disclose who they are on a story heavy mush.
Story driven mush meaning a huge amount of NPCS and plots that are there to be poked by the players and to be solved by the players. Through systems of jobs or scenes run by staff.
The talk happened when we started to talk about building a new game. We both have views that don’t match and we are going to meet in the middle. But I wanted to know the everyone else thoughts on this!
RE: General Video Game Thread
Mouthwashing…just wow. PLAY IT. Best horror game in a long time, depressing heavy, dark. Just…fuck.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Never mind he asked me to not share it. Friend life was on fire, he asked me not to post it here as I did. So sorry.
RE: Real life happy
Focused on the fact I deserve love, to be happy. I’m trying to make sure I know my worth.
It’s hard but it is starting to click.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
@Warma-Sheen honestly if you can’t trust the owner or support what they stand for it’s simple vote with your feet. Logging on to a game for a head staffer you dislike or don’t think is safe is still supporting them.
Going there ups the player count. Meaning optics it’s a good game based on who. Which has been one of the ways we judge games. Active players=good game in the minds of many.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
As someone that has lost a few to suicide and drugs due to depression. That was not cool. I hope they get help or find something else to focus on. Pretend fun time, should not cause you to feel that way.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
@Testament Oh? That bad? Spill the tea! (Edited to add the end)
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@bear_necessities Going to make a mush where you rp playing a mush. So you having peeves and dealing with it is the plot.