@TNP That was my interpretation as well. I pursued it for a while on him in 2022 the best I could but it ultimately stagnated. I’d love to know the meaning behind it, too!

RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@discoarse I am the original player of an OC that received very similar secret. I ran around the grid for quite a while trying to find anyone who might have insight or a similar experience to share and fight back together. Can’t help but wonder if it was that PC you ran into and were able to bond with over it. Don’t want to his name here since he’s not my OC anymore but thanks for sharing this, kind of tied up a loose end for me, too, in a way
RE: Book Recs
I just finished last weekend and didn’t know what to do with myself. A few months and the next installment will be out, though! Can’t wait!In this same vein, I pitch the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I’ve read her other series, A Court of Thorns and Roses and love it immensely but this one is hitting different. I think the writing is just better and I connect a lot more with the protagonist. Highly recommend both, though, if you liked Fourth Wing but with less modern influences and language.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
BTW, in case you missed it, my thoughts on 2043 winding down were fairly accurate and confirmed by the Director’s player shortly after, so feel free to acknowledge that. Or not. You don’t have to be at all reasonable in your crusade, or even connected to reality, but it does take a big dent out of your entire premise that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Sorry, but they were not fairly accurate. You made a lot of assumptions about game runners like Director lacking “patience and support” and “doing it alone” and not having “the support they needed to keep it going.” As one of three staffers on that game, I feel we did just fine with the workload we had, and Director had patience in spades. He responded quickly and always handled things respectfully and treated players with kindness, you included.
You always have the choice: stay and enjoy what a game runner can offer for as long as they offer it or go open your own game. Get your big team together and write hours and hours of lore and then tell your stories for people. Oh, and hope and pray against all odds that nothing pressing in your RL comes up, because you’ll have to put your game and its players first, above everything else. Apparently, that’s the only way it’ll hold any value in your eyes.
Try to remember that there are people with feelings behind these staff bits that put a lot of their time and creative energy into something that didn’t work out in the end, and nobody could be more sensitive or aware of that reality than they are.
Good day.
RE: Really random Ares question
@bear_necessities That was one of the ways we encouraged people to praise others in the absence of our heart system, but maybe that was also based on personal preference. @KarmaBum was one of the first people to really do this to me and it made a big difference in my confidence, more so than watching a heart counter tick up (or not).
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I am guilty of writing with a hanging ‘g’ in a game I’m in at present, with a bit of ‘wanna’ and ‘gonna’ but otherwise that’s about as extreme as I think it ever gets. It seems like there’s a pretty wide range of examples listed here. Is there generally some kind of more acceptable standard for writing accents (such as, not at all)?
At any rate, I feel bad for inflicting that on people unintentionally. I can see how it might be an issue.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
If I am just overwhelmed with work stuff or other RL things, I will always try to respond in the order of longest to shortest wait for a reply from me. I think that can very easily avoid making players I’m engaging with feel bad, but it also has the added bonus of making sure a scene doesn’t stagnate in the process, especially if life drags me away from my hobby kicking and screaming.
RE: How to Greet a Roster Player
My recent experience: I just picked up my second roster ever, and this is the first time I did not have an army of prior connections and orgs to draw upon. She is a bit of a blank slate in every way. Sent a mail and IC messenger to house leadership, but aside from a brief page chat with HoH, it’s been pretty quiet. A hello and some outreach is great and I’d definitely feel fuzzier with one, but I am also very aware that sometimes the other players just don’t have the bandwidth or time to make moves or commit to anything. Have to strike a balance, there, between eagerness to get involved and patience with everyone around me.
I am going to keep at it, hopefully without being a nuisance in the process, and make new connections that will fulfill me in the meanwhile. May even post something in OOC Stuff seeking connections. To Snackness’ point, it definitely took a while playing in Arx for me to build the confidence up to reach out like that, though.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Wizz said in MU Peeves Thread:
As someone who prefers to have the option of open and honest OOC communication if needed during intimate scenes instead of before or after, I gotta say I that while I frankly can’t really grok the opposite position, I appreciate everyone who has taken the time here to say that it breaks immersion in an unacceptably uncomfortable way and I will definitely take that into consideration if and when I dip my toes back into the hobby.
I am sure most people who feel this way do make this clear already with the people they choose to TS with, but that discomfort is something I have to admit I didn’t have an awareness of and I’d definitely want to know upfront.
I feel this. I know that I have initiated some of these OOC conversations, and realize reading these examples of boundaries that I may have inadvertently been one of the people who bordered on making a mistake. It’s hard not to feel a bit self-conscious thinking back on it now. I appreciate this conversation a lot so that I can be more aware of it in the future!
RE: General Video Game Thread
Hi folks! Breaking my lurker silence to highly recommend Outer Wilds. It’s difficult to describe, but is primarily focused on exploration, investigation/puzzle solving and is story driven. If you do end up giving it a shot, I strongly suggest not looking up detailed reviews, synopses or spoilers. It’s way more fun to experience with no knowledge going in.