Myself and (possibly) other users have been wiped from the Wiki page. I’m not sure if my own removal is because I blasted the link to this forum on +pub or because I included the link on my Wiki page with a short message about how much I’ve loved this game and the stories I’ve told, but that a moral boundary has been crossed.
I had already left the game over this, but now all those logs, my character page, art - all gone.
They are actively blasting people who dissent, and anyone who tries to speak with Cujo about this situation get “well you can leave.”
They’re wiping characters, removing staff, and doing their best to silence discussion, discredit this medium, and discredit those speaking out.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
ETA: When looking at wiki updates, it shows that pages have been removed, but information on what they are has been redacted. It APPEARS that I have been the only user page removed at this time. Which means that it IS because I linked on the wiki. That does show who I am so lol hi, I played Jehni’va Cihn. Picture added.