The Arx Secrets Thread
@hellfrog lol at Aetheris still trying to make fetch happen
I didn’t finish out on either Jael or Ailys, so I don’t feel comfortable sharing their secrets. But here’s Thena’s:
As a kid, she stole something from a mysterious stranger in a bar. It turned out to be a necklace, that bound itself to her with blood magic and was only visible in mirrors. When she helped take down a garganuan, the souls of the original Path of Storms shamans (I think? This was a long time ago) went into the necklace and she became their protector.
She left Arx with Silver to do Hero Things. I’m not sure what happened after that, but if she’d been offered the chance to become a nox’alfar she 100% would have taken it.
ETA: @Narson NOT DEAD!
@Snackness Jael’s Furyborn status at least became really public at the end!
@Roz Yes, I heard
So to understand Jaenelle’s original roster secret you have to know what her original personality was!
Jaenelle Personality: There are the wise, there are the intelligent, and there are the savvy. And then there is Jaenelle. She may be the sweetest woman, the most sincere, but there are some quarries full of rocks with more brain power than the noblewoman. Quick to giggle, and to stare vacantly at any sort of conversation, she often laughs at jokes days later or is certain birds are secret spies for the animal overlords. The one thing that stands out, is that matters of running a household - the numbers, supplying, organizing the servants… Jaenelle seems to be a complete savant. Math and numbers are as easy to her, as everything else is completely beyond her reach, almost eerily so.
Secret #1 of Jaenelle: Jaenelle had her husband killed. She even said ‘Yay!’ after the deed was done, too. She’s always been a quietly brilliant woman, but learned very early on that most of the men of House Thrax were not particularly interested in what a woman had to say, so she found it far easier to feign ignorance while manipulating matters. She decided she wanted to be married into Velenosa, due to the far more freedom it would grant her, and a few choice words to her grandfather had him begging his beloved cousin Prince Donrai Thrax, the Prince of Maelstrom, for the opportunity to give you away as his dying wish. Unfortunately, House Velenosa was only too happy to marry Jaenelle to Gersard because the man had already courted two scandals by not being able to stay away from women and they knew it was only a matter of time before the imbecile did something truly stupid. Jaenelle was married in a lovely ceremony (Yay!) but he couldn’t stay away from the Queen Genevieve, and if they became known as lovers it would have ruined everything. Fortunately, Duchess Esera was just as sick of her brother as Jaenelle could have hoped and agreed that it needed to be done. Jaenelle understands Esera gave Talen the nod to take care of it, who made certain it seemed like Prince Gersard was drunkenly walking along the walls while mourning the death of Queen Genevieve and had an ‘accident’. Yay!
This is the reason most of my requests handled by Apostate in the last almost 8 years ended in ‘Yay!’. He is the best cheerleader a petty manipulative girl could have!
Her second secret came about through natural RP relationships and was her Deathspeaker and Soul healing abilities that I stopped hiding in the last few months.
When I asked for an OC secret for Bhandn, it was basically: “can I have a magic sword”? Exploring it was one of the most fascinating and nerve-racking experiences I had on Arx. I’m extremely grateful for @Apos for taking the time to write it. I’m extremely upset at myself I never pursued it fully; between burnout and feeling increasingly certain I had to do some of it solo (for reasons explained below), I eventually ground to a halt.
Secret #1 of Bhandn
It all began when he received the sword. The gift itself was mysterious. It was anonymously delivered and none of the other inhabitants of the Crown Apartments could figure out who sent it, though a few mentioned an odd redheaded crippled man was wandering nearby. Since receiving it, the sword has just felt -right- in his hands, and its craftsmanship is unreal, though he’s had difficulty putting it down… and when he saw that Cardian ship still lingering in the harbor, he suddenly was wracked with horrible pain, an overwhelming crippling pain that sent him to the ground in a fetal position and passed after he looked away. The sword looks vaguely similar to the style that the Praetor from Cardia was seen carrying about the city, though what it means is anyone’s guess, and Bhandn feels an uncomfortable sense of something wrong whenever he gets near the Palace of Arx.The rare times since he’s caught sight of the Cardian representatives, the agony has returned.
In exploring Bhandn’s secret, a few things became fairly clear in my mind: the extreme pain he received seemed to be linked to the Malardin. One key point of this was that he did not succumb to that sensation when viewing anyone from Cardia. It was specific to Marcus’s ship, and quite possibly Marcus himself (I never tested this). And it most certainly triggered during Malar’s flyby over Arx on the day of the “Questions of Cardia” event Sina hosted where we first met Petraea.
So it seemed certain to me that it was something associated with Malar (and those sworn to him?) were the root cause of these painful episodes. There was a point where Kael, as then Sword of Sanctum, actually asked Bhandn to possibly reside at the Valardin manor to see if he could weed out Malardin. We never put that into play; I can’t remember why, but it was on the table at one point. I think it resolved itself, according to my vague memory.
So that was one aspect of his secret I thought was fairly clear, if not why it happened (what supernatural effect was causing the pain, rather than why it triggered.)
Moving on to the sword itself, I never changed the desc that was written for it:
a beautiful greatsword engraved with sapphires
A beautifully crafted greatsword with a silvery sheen over its diamondplate, the pommel is covered with sapphires and engraved with the entwined rings of Limeance. On the hilt are words written in a non-Arvani tongue.Adornments: 13 precious stone
It is a diamondplate huge wpn.
Its level of craftsmanship is perfect.
It contains script in a foreign tongue.The script in the foreign tongue was Draconic. Laric was the first PC who saw it and provided the following translation:
“This sword’s name is Fidelis, to be wielded by a holy knight who is sworn to defend and never yield.”
It turned out that Fidelis was made in Cardia, by the master weaponsmith Galvinus. For House Morganis. Discovering that clue led to a very interesting and enjoyable scene with Petraea where she divulged quite a bit of information about Cardian crafting techniques. I don’t recall my exact thought process as to why, but it led me to wonder that Fidelis had been modified from its original state, gaining both the sapphires and possibly the Rings of Limerance engraving, though it was possible the latter was present on the original work. (I’d have to find the log for Petraea’s quote so I don’t misrepresent what I was told.)
Also, the sword was heavily infused with primum. I never found out why or for what purpose it was imbued.
Bhandn and the Morgans had a meeting about that, needless to say. “Hey. I think I have your ancestors’ House Sword.” and off we went. Aleksei also went and used magesight on it during that scene and got a headache.
Users of magesight having adverse reactions to the sword were one of the reasons I was trying to figure out how to get it for Bhandn, since I suspected he could look at the sword “safely” compared to others.
But what about the sensation he got from the Palace, as indicated by the secret? In the spoiler block is the action about it. And that led Places
Sir Bhandn arrives at the Palace, and already it feels wrong, somehow. He waits patiently, and soon enough the King’s Own show up - Sir Corban, Sir Austen, and a contingent of Silver Swords that follow. The Mother Mercy also shows up, and it isn’t until then that Bhandn unsheathes Fidelis.Almost immediately he is awash with a sense of nausea, but he gives a grim nod and together they proceed into the palace. The first place they look is the Hall of Metal - because the King’s Own is adamant that they first determine if this is something that might affect the King. But whatever churns in Bhandn’s stomach isn’t heightened by his presence in the Hall of Metal.
And so they turn away and walk back to the Great Hall, and this time Bhandn leads them on a different path. There’s a pounding in his ears, and that stomach-churning sensation grows stronger and stronger with each step downward. There is a moment where he stops at the entrance to the prison below and - here he can go no further. Instead, he falls to his knees weeping, and his sword slowly turns until it is pointed at himself.
The Hundred quickly surround him, for his protection more than in concern that he is a danger. He is clearly struggling, tears streaming down his face. He murmurs words that make no sense, in a tongue no one can understand. He sounds like he’s begging, pleading for something. Remorse covers his face. And then he passes out on the floor.
Sophie moves to examine him immediately, but there seems to be nothing wrong with him at all. Strange. He’s just passed out cold.
One of the guards picks him up and she looks to Corban and Austen - “I’ll just take him outside then Sirs? If someone could pick up his sword and bring it too?” She waits for confirmation, and then hauls Bhandn outside. It isn’t until she drops him at the fountain of Alarice and splashes some water on his face that he awakens - and all she says is, “You might want to be more careful there. Don’t you know that place housed the worst criminals in history? Didn’t know you Knights of Solace were so sensitive.” There’s a spark of amusement in her eyes now, but she waits while the others join them, and then she salutes. “First Captain, I’m on duty with the King presently.”
Corban absently salutes and dismisses her - and it isn’t until much later that he realizes the duty roster doesn’t change over for another hour.
And that’s how he got Sapphire’s attention. But more than that, one of my meditation actions led to the realization that Bhandn’s past life was somehow involved with guarding the Bijoux’s occupants. I suspect his past life was around the timeframe of the Fractals’ escape from the Bijoux, at which point he took his own life. I never discovered what he said in that action when he tried to kill himself and had to be restrained, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a plea to a god, possibly Limerance.
Anyway, that’s about as far as I got. I was OOCly trying to figure out how I could get Bhandn to progress to magesight to delve into the sword further, but unfortunately that just wasn’t to be. I was one of those people who didn’t want to burden staff with that; it felt like something I needed to do for myself.
So many of these secrets made it into cat drawings and the tarot deck and I had to be so careful.
Ray started from nothing, just a criminal henchman with a cliche’d backstory.
He found out over time that he was a quarter Nox’alfar. He found out that his father had been a holder of part of the Will of Baalphrigor who’d sacrificed thousands to the Abyss in a war, and who’d killed Ray’s mother.
He found a woman who could cope with him and got married, and a man who could cope with them both but couldn’t get married but was a not-quite-husband. He found a goddess who could cope with him and swore to Her service. He rose to be a Second of his crime family and one of the top-ranking members of the criminal underworld. He made friends and he made enemies, and he was the protege of the Queen of the Compact, while his wife was a successful businesswoman and a ‘successful businesswoman’ and a protege of a Voice of the Crown and his not-quite-husband was a Knight-Lieutenant of the King’s Own.
He ended up dying to save a bunch of souls in a shardhaven, and his goddess and his patron brought him back to life. He became an Aspect - and then went and performed the Paladin rite on his own and for one goddess only, and became the Paladin of Death, because that was a much safer title to use. The Wheelspinner came to him, and in the last battle he did what he could.
House Mazetti tried to ennoble him, often. House Velenosa made the offer as well. He’s accepted on behalf of Tanith and his child(ren), and House Calvaria will rise.
He started with nothing, and he ended up with so much, and I’d like to thank Herja for a truly stunning storyline and Tanith and Austen’s players for some absolutely amazing times - and the rest of Ray’s friends for putting up with the irritating murderous git and letting him be around regardless.
It’s been a whale of a time.
Isolde is the reincarnation of Primeria Aetheris. She avoided being archduchess after Esera died because it would draw too much attention to herself. But ultimately was like ‘eh who cares who knows’ when the apocalypse arrived.
Alessia’s past life was some Rex’alfar/cat khati person who had an oblivion glaive. Not much else to that past life! BUT it meant the Rex brought the glaive to her current life with a bunch of demon cats. Everytime she’d kill someone, their soul got stuck in the glaive and the Rex’alcats siphoned it for primum. Of course this char went evil!
I didn’t have a whole lot of time with it but Aconite was Construct crafted by Obsidian and his Magisters in a ritual under Ahj’on in the temple of the Great Reflection to be a Weaponto destroy all non-believers. She was taken out of the Mangaldissi by some slaves who found themselves on the wrong end of a fight with Fidante.
Aco was so poisonous, even touching her briefly held some risk. Contact could range from severe hallucination and euphoria to just ded. She was poisonous right up until her Crossing. Her blood was so caustic it melted people’s limbs off. Needless to say she was just a little aloof and strange due to this.
She explored her roots, where her ‘family’ came from and found out that the bloodline that Obsidian used to create her were a bunch of Serpent Khati who got it into their head to worship the Abyss and set roots in the Saffron Isles. Some of them became shards.
The rest of the story I love but it’s probably boring to anyone but me.
I really enjoyed playing Arx, getting to cobble words together to build great stories with all of you was really the best times I’ve had on a mush in over a decade. I hope to meet folks again in 2.0.
You’re all really amazing! Also Apostate is as previously mentioned an utter Rockstar, a legend. I appreciate him letting me take on this story with an OC right out of the gate.
Sydney’s mother Clemensia was a famed Cardian performer. She fled from Cardia after a power grab gone awry, and Sydney was born in Arvum. She summarily walked out on Sydney. The man Sydney thought to be her father moved to Arx with her, where he acquired debt with the wrong people, got himself poisoned, and all of his debt fell to Sydney. Being barely into her teens, she got underwater on things quickly, and ended up all but owned by that debt. She took dives for coppers, scraped by, slept in bars and streets, and nearly froze to death in the winters.
Petraea Livy terrified her by gobbling up all the debt she owed to multiple lenders and telling her in no uncertain terms that she would be working for the Scales - and oh by the way, her real father was Cardian nobility who got her entire bloodline killed and Gaius Tullus (a rather potent Cardian noble), wanted her dead.
After a few years of proving herself running a mix of morally murky tasks, Petraea (sometimes prickly and often awkward woman that she was) revealed that she was Sydney’s half-aunt. That being indebted to her was never a real thing, just a way to keep her in sight. She also learned that one of her sisters who escaped Cardia self-immolated herself due to the powerful and uncontrollable nature of her fire magic. She met allies, and she formulated a plan with them to put an end to Marcus Sulla (and then Malar), both of whom were ever just out of reach of their designs. One of them went on to slay Gaius Tullus back in Cardia.
She made wonderful friends along the way, dated freely, laughed often, and drank just as often. She called everyone with more than one syllable by a nickname, wanted or not. She was afraid to tell people she loved them. She reveled in a good spar, but soon realized she hated seeing people die, and took every effort to limit casualties, something that with her bare-handed style she had every ability to dictate without limiting herself.
She broke after being in Bastion. She tucked her tail and ran sooner than anyone else when she saw how overwhelming the force was. She picked up the pieces, and they never really fit back in the right places, but she carried on. She trembled through many of the fights after that.
She fought with allies to obtain The Last Breath, one of the piece of the Will. She fought to defend Artshall. She fought to retake Bastion. She inherited Petraea’s wealth and name, became Sydney Livy, and donated almost all of it to the Lower Boroughs. She helped convince Cardian dragons to return to Arvum, she helped fight back the final assault of Azazel’s forces, and she stood shoulder to shoulder with her allies and defended the Thinnest Point. She said her goodbyes to those she loved, and flew forth back to Cardia to help finish the Civil War alongside Cynara, to whatever outcome.
Sydney was often a coward beneath the mask she wore around most people, but she found the courage to fight for what she cared about and who she cared about when it mattered. Her highest skills were Brawl and Empathy.
My sincerest gratitude to all of the lovely story scenes over the years from Sydney’s dearest friends and companions (Yes, if you suspect I’m talking about you, I am!), for the many people who enthusiastically accepted her being an antagonistic brat at the start, and for the rest for being patient with her, to the people who Sydney never got close to but I sure as hell noticed and adored, and last but not least all the storytellers, with special kudos to Herja, Crawfish, and Apostate. All of you helped sculpt something super meaningful to me.
Now I’m going to go roll Composure at Daunting.
I didn’t finish out the game but I did have two OCs who did pretty well.
Gianna’s staff-given secret was that she had a feeling there was magic in music. She was told repeatedly that she was not a spellsinger but basically she didn’t accept that and went HA HA I WILL SHOW YOU ALL. She saw a niche that wasn’t filled and made the Bard’s College, which was decently successful. Also, she sang magic but never Crossed Over or whatever because I wasn’t active at that point. Basically she sailed into Arx a street rat who had once impersonated nobility and gotten caught and then made herself rich and famous by sheer force of will and acting like she deserved it. Later, she came up with the insane idea to learn Wolf’s Song, and did that, too, though I didn’t get to take as many people along for that ride as I wanted. Sorry about that.
Once, she nominated herself for Radiant Whisper and got exactly one vote. She was the one who cast said vote, and it was hilarious.
When I made Oswyn I wanted him to have glasses but was told that was Not a Thing he could have. I had a line about squinting in his description stemming from that and when I asked for a secret it turned out he had bad eyesight because he could see magic (or was it magic’s potential?) and the poisoned Primum was why his eyesight was shitty. That is why he was miserable at recognizing people at a distance. Somehow, he became Archscholar. His greatest achievement in my opinion was basically making public libraries across Arvum. The Queen told him he was unusual because his soul tended to reincarnate with ability to do magic. He also never Crossed Over. This one time, Skald hugged him.
Oswyn once wrote to Copper asking to help the Red Wardens and she was like ‘lol who the fuck are you no thanks’. Well after she died, he became a Red Warden anyway. SUCK IT, COPPER!
I’m sure I didn’t fully figure out my secrets. Gianna would have been disappointed if she was some famous person’s reincarnation, though. The Bard’s College had a backstory where it had existed once before but been forgotten that I meant to dig further into. It was a very cool result of me being very lazy and just saying ‘uh I guess she finds a building that’s perfect because I don’t want to play out building something for a million years’.
Mostly I just did the best I could with characters I had figured weren’t ‘special’ for the majority of the time I played them, but the magic was inside me all along.
With my schedule being basically the exact opposite of most GMed events I never really understood how to engage and develop my characters secrets.
Cicero started off with the ability to make steelsilk. One piece every month! This was back before resources so that was a pretty big deal though very slow burn. That ability got Eaten and replaced with the ability to see scary shadow things. That was neat, but the side effects of the ability resulted in Cicero being very unfun to play so I had him killed off. I wish I had stuck it out and figured out how to work with staff on adjusting it to make it a better experience.
Jhond’s secret was that the Smiling Shadows owed him a favor. Whenever I tried to engage with that one other PCs would say No, don’t do anything with that, and I foolishly listened and never did.
Jhond’s other secret was that he could sing better than Gianna. -
I haven’t played on the game in a couple of years, but here are my two OCs. I also played an FC, but none of the things that were interesting about him were related to his secret.
Hamish - Hamish’s secret is that he was a nox’alfar. Not the reincarnation of a nox’alfar or half-nox’alfar. He was just a nox’alfar. In ancient times he was a minor functionary in Calithex’s court who had done something gravely offensive to Death and she had cursed him to never see the Shining Lands, so his soul drifted from recently dead human to recently dead human, and he spent a thousand years doing that. Hamish (or rather, Wyll) would die in his current human life and then would wake up in the body of someone who had just fallen off of a roof or who had died of some disease. As a result he spent hundreds of years absolutely hating humans and hating the human experience. As he would later say to Symonesse, “We just smell all the time.” He spent years as peasant laborer, as a merchant, as a soldier, a noble, as a slave. He mostly avoided Forest Gumping his way through history, though it was later established that he’d been close to Caithness. And eventually he came to appreciate humanity and love the lives they live, to see each one of them as precious. In the life before Hamish, just after Brand had died, he was approached by Bringers who thought he might like to be the next rep for Silence since he’d have a good reason to want to break the Wheel. He said no thanks and spent the next few months being tortured. Managed to swallow his tongue to get out of it and woke up as Hamish Farmer. Decided to devote himself to Death, swore before the seraph of Sanctum, and became a mendicant priest until he was called to Arx. Thanks to Herja, who was so great in helping me feel like I was more involved, his background expanded as he started to remember what he’d done. Had a vision of coming disaster, was lead astray by a demon/fractal and decided he knew better than Calithex how to deal with it, and it all blew up in his face, resulting in two of Calithex’s guards being killed and their souls destroyed. In Arx he resumed some old friendships, having tea with Symonesse was always fun, met some people it turned out were relatives, and he took the wheel with the Harlequins. Whatever my ultimate relationship with Arx may have been, I’m proud of what we ended up doing with the Harlequins, and I’m glad to hear that they remained a fairly active org after I left. Symonesse once asked Hamish if he’d like to reincarnate in his original body after he died and he said he wasn’t sure. I’d like to think that either he ended up doing just that, or he finally got to the Shining Lands.
Gilroy - A far less liked character than Hamish, and I don’t blame anyone, though weirdly popular with that group of nobles who love slumming and hearing commoners say mean things about them. He was the latest incarnation of a soul that, whenever reincarnated, was always a legendary hero. Seraphs. Paladins. Knights. Lords Commander. Which leads to Gilroy, who was the son of the Baron of Castrum Trucido, whose brutality in the Southport War was notable even in that skirmish, and whose cruelty to his own people was only second to the cruelty he had toward his own son. After his preincarnations urged him to embrace heroism, he decided to beat his father to death with a fire poker, but didn’t finish the job before he had to go on the run. As such, Gilroy reviled the nobility, hated heroes and the notion of heroism, and was in general a dick to 90% of the people he met. Which got me several offers to be the protege of different Velenosa nobles, oddly enough. His refusal to acknowledge his destiny lead to his preincarnations actually speaking to him, though he ignored them since they were all so preachy. It was actually a lot of fun coming up with historical figures like Prince Donrall Marin, Dame Eleanor Fidante, the Carnation of Tor, Mother Merrows, the Salt Witch, etc. And posing flipping off people in the Hall of Heroes never failed to get a scene going. Fun fact: Gilroy came to me almost entirely fully fleshed out while watching Matilda with my kids when Danny Devito said, “Nobody ever got rich by being honest.”
@Quibbler said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
Oswyn once wrote to Copper asking to help the Red Wardens and she was like ‘lol who the fuck are you no thanks’. Well after she died, he became a Red Warden anyway. SUCK IT, COPPER!
yeah that sure sounds like her
@hellfrog You know what sounds like Copper? Pure awesomeness.
As a know-nothing player early on, and really for my short time there with that character, Copper was the absolute highlight of my experience with a small group of other Red Wardens. I still remember it with genuine fondness.
@Snackness said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
She left Arx with Silver to do Hero Things. I’m not sure what happened after that, but if she’d been offered the chance to become a nox’alfar she 100% would have taken it.
I like to think she and Esoka are in Silver-ville together with Calaudrin and however many very loud children he and Esoka have at this point. Living it up.
Esoka’s secret centered on being Gloria-touched. Her speshul ability was extra fighting power when she fought demons but I only variably remembered to mention this to GMs so I don’t really know how often it was applied or what exactly it did mechanically. She always seemed to bash aite. She was also a reincarnate of someone but I never went far enough down the investigation path to figure out who. At some point I kinda decided it didn’t matter for her story, she was living her life in the now and got to have a hero-y end of her own where it felt like she was off to the next grand adventure.
I picked up a few rosters after that over the years with secrets I found variably interesting but they changed hands enough not to feel like mine to tell about (though the one who was a werewolf was meta-hilarious because on a previous char I’d encountered an OC CONVINCED werewolves were both the key to the metaplot and that Esoka was one, she was not). I thought about picking a character up just for the finale but ultimately I still feel a good about where I left my time on the game and have just enjoyed watching it barrel to a close. MUSHes don’t get endings a lot but the ones that do always loom larger and more like proper stories in my mind. Arx deserved that after all that time so I’m glad it was seemingly tied up in a cool way.
Saverio was not in fact killed in a mysterious wolf attack.
I guess one PC I actually can go into detail about that was pretty fun was Thomas, since he was my OC.
he was the younger brother of the very dead Marquis of Hawkmour, who had supposedly been assassinated by shavs but in reality had been killed by agents of Marcus and Malar. Thomas came to Arx seeking vengeance, became the House Sword, and after he learned the truth he quickly got involved with the Scales. Ironically, he was also the reincarnate of the captain of the guard of a nation that had been burninated by Cardia when they wiped out most of the Metallic Order, and had pretty vivid memories of dying horribly alongside another PC, who he was soul-bonded to (or they were soul twins or whatever? can’t remember exactly how that all worked), who just happened to be another agent of Marcus. good times!!
Thomas was a godawful spy and shenanigans ensued, but ultimately he wanted to be there when Marcus died. he also had managed to locate where Cardia was keeping Brass’s sword and deeply felt obligated to recover it for his family, even though basically everyone in his life told him how terrible and dangerous an idea that was.
unfortunately things got pretty hard for me in RL and I fell off the face of the earth, but I still look back on his story and the people involved with fondness, and I like to imagine it would have had a pretty epic conclusion.
@glitch said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@hellfrog You know what sounds like Copper? Pure awesomeness.
As a know-nothing player early on, and really for my short time there with that character, Copper was the absolute highlight of my experience with a small group of other Red Wardens. I still remember it with genuine fondness.
me, too.