Elysium /MUSH
I think we already had a thread about this place a while back, but maybe they changed the MU name and are trying to repackage it as something else? I dunno.
checks the link
Oh my Christ it’s the one about the ‘very pervy girl’ who became a deity somehow.
@GF kinda figured due to their “overuse” of “quotes” for “words”… and yeah, digging back a bit, we def did chat about it when it popped up on Other Game ad bboards
The theme stuff is about as well as I expect from a mu* focused on the sex. I just cant get passed the age stuff. The way it presents like they will even allow toddlers.
Only if they’re 1000 year old vampires.
You know what? I’ve never forgotten how bad the writing is. This has been weighing on my mind for months, maybe years, so I’m actually gonna do it. I’m gonna go line by line on this bitch.
The story of Elysium begins with the tale of a very pervy girl, Hikaru Shidou.
Good, let’s start by describing the sexuality of a child. Let’s get that gag reflex nice and warmed up.
As you might know, Hikaru went on an adventure early in Her life.
How? How would I know that? How would I possibly know that?
She wound up obtaining the powers of a Goddess.
“And I hope you don’t care about how, because I’m going to yadda-yadda literal deification as irrelevant.”
Leaving the world She gained that power on to it’s own inhabitants, She decided to create Her own world.
“yadda yadda made a world”
She decided to name this world “Elysium”.
I promise I’m not going to rag on punctuation. That’s low-class. I’m just saying I notice.
She did not name it after any particular thing. She just thought that it sounded good.
“She named her world after the name of a world in our world, but that was coincidence. She invented those syllables in that order spelled with those characters. It’s a monkeys-at-typewriters kind of situation. I don’t know why I expect you to care.”
Hikaru, as mentioned before, is a very pervy girl.
Cool, thanks for repeating it and acknowledging you’re repeating it. Nothing condescending about that.
She had always felt that the “Age Laws” were unfair.
Are you gonna tell us what laws those are, or why they’re unfair? No? Just gonna leave that hanging? Cool, great argumentation, couldn’t be more convincing.
So, on Her world, those “Laws” are lowered considerably. Instead of “Age Laws”, Her world has “Consent Readiness Laws”.
Which is it? Are the laws lowered or replaced?
Those “Laws” state that if you feel the desire, physical and otherwise, to do something then you should be allowed to do it.
Never mind all the obvious ways that could result in tragedy. How can a law say you “should be” allowed to do a thing, rather than that you are allowed to do a thing?
These "Laws" also clarify between "good desires", and "bad desires".
please stop putting that word in ironic quote marks
Quite simply put, you are not allowed to do “bad things”.
Never, ever say “Quite simply put.” It makes you sound like an eighth grader trying to use unnecessary words to fill out a book report that’s two paragraphs too short.
If you want to kill someone, that is NOT allowed. And will likely see you carted off to jail. And executed. If you want to attend a dance club orgy where you can get fucked silly, fuck someone else silly, or both then you are allowed to do so. Provided you feel the desire, physical or otherwise, to do so.
Why? What makes one desire good and the other bad? I almost think you’re deliberately refusing to lay down the foundation of your world’s morality because it can’t possibly hold up to scrutiny given that its whole purpose is to justify assaulting children you literal monster.
Regardless of whatever your age actually is. If you feel “ready”, then you are ready. And should be allowed to do it. Age doesn’t matter.
Like how a five-year-old feels “ready” to drive a car, so they should be allowed to. They won’t hurt themselves or others. Feeling ready to do a thing is the same as being ready with the necessary skills and judgment.
Hikaru was aided in Her effort by The Dark Goddess Liananna. The Dark Goddess of Night, Darkness, and Shadows.
Who is that, why did she help, how did she help, what’s the nature of the relationship, wh–oh, Christ, never mind, this is all just to allude to hawt lesbain secks and we both know it. Why am I acting like there’s a point to this mythology? That’s honestly on me.
Afterall, Hikaru was pretty new to world building. And Liananna had been doing so for quite awhile.
Then why haven’t I heard of her?
Hikaru, in Her thanks for Liananna’s help, decided to make Liananna an equal ruler of the world They created. So, the two Goddesses now rule the world as Sisters.
Oh. Hawt lesbain inzest. Of course. I should have seen that coming.
The people of this world do not age, unless they want to. And they can revert themselves if they’ve aged themselves too far.
ew ew no ew no send it back no ew fucking gross
Also their bodies are in perfect health. There is nothing wrong with their bodies. And they never need fear disease.
I mean, I guess it’s not the worst excuse I’ve ever heard for not needing to make responsible choices during sex to prevent STDS.
Injuries heal up at a fast rate too.
Like, say, the injuries a child might reasonably get from nope stop right there brain I don’t need that thought in my head
Because no one ages, or dies from disease, Liananna expanded their new world by use of dimensional folding to produce infinite space. Now there is a place for all those trillions of people to be at happily.
That’s way too much technobabble to say, “I have a breeding kink.” I normally wouldn’t bother being judgmental about anyone’s kinks but you want to abuse children, so, like, I hope people get where I’m coming from here.
Everyone on the world has their own personal fold space. And all the villages, towns, cities, etc., and etc. are in fold space.
That’s way too much technobabble to say, “I don’t like continuity or consequences so this world has no causality.”
This leaves the surface of the world pure, natural, and beautiful looking.
“This world is built on child abuse but in our favor the landscapes are awesome.”
Hey, let’s check back on that gag reflex! How’s everyone doing? Keeping your gorges down? Because I’m going to kneel in the bathroom for the rest of the night! I really thought writing this would purge some of the figurative bile in me, but nope, it just raised the literal stuff to the back of my throat! Love that acidic taste! That’s just the reaction I hope to have when someone offers a chance to play make-believe with them!
But before I go, seriously, what the fuck is up with that 1996-ass looking web design? Looks like fucking Geocities or something.
All of this reads like someone who is pretty young themselves or was young in the 90s and never mentally/emotionally matured since.
Troubling either way.
I find adswaps sort of charmingly anachronistic at this point, so I don’t do them, but if I did, I wouldn’t let them post on my games either. It looks like there’s not really much of a population on this place, but then again, PenDes is out there with an average of 611 players on it, so the genre of sexy age play games lives on, even if this one is dead.
It’s the bad writing. Not a single glistening orb anywhere in the entire theme description of Naughty Goddess Girl.
The writing, and I’d say they shot themselves in the foot with the lore. Like, even Shang has more lore then this. There’s some hint of an overarching story, some practicalities.
This erases any overarching story or practicalities, completely. No one ages unless they want, then they can de-age. They never really get hurt or die. They all exist everywhere?
Idk, not trying to help them with their shit, but like, if this was any game even without the gross age stuff, it sounds kind of miserable to play to me.
@Meg said in Elysium /MUSH:
No one ages unless they want, then they can de-age. They never really get hurt or die. They all exist everywhere?
Maybe this thread is why I got a vampire daddy dom dark “romance” ad on fb about a woman being told she was a little and being just straight up abducted by a vampire to be treated like a toddler.
So… thanks, I guess?
is anyone else bothered that her protagonist is just named after one of the leads of magic knight rayearth
@Roz I’m mostly bothered by the fact I have to change my screen resolution to 640X480, reduce my colour settings to 16-bit, then slow my monitor refresh to 75hz just to view their website!
@Jumpscare you could not pay me enough money.
eta: also, i don’t rp anymore. i forgot how to even connect to a mush. you do like, a computer thing right?
@Meg said in Elysium /MUSH:
@Jumpscare you could not pay me enough money.
You could pay me enough money. I’ll write filth for enough money. Just in case any freaky billionaires are watching.
Back on topic, my favorite not-horrific part of this trainwreck is the flouncing away from the planet where baby goddess mysteriously gained her powers. Fuck you, Earth! You were mean to me about my predilection for preying upon children, so I’m going to go make a new reality!
I suppose that’s possibly better than forcibly converting Earth to this person’s fetishes and paraphilias, though the creation of the Eternal Fuck-Torment Nexus is still, uh…
I just hope this person keeps all this shit online and with consenting adults.
Sometimes I’m like, ‘Wow, there are all these games I don’t know about! The internet is a rich tapestry!’
Then it is this game.