MU Peeves Thread
Ya’ll need descs for folks using screen readers.
As with the entire char app process, it can also be a great early warning that someone is fucking crazy.
@Aria Anyone that uses ‘luminescent lavender orbs’ as a descriptor for eyes has Main Character Syndrome and you can’t tell me otherwise.
@helvetica Thank you. I checked out one game where characters were not required/encouraged to have descs, just pbs, and I was like …um I guess I’ll see myself out.
@Testament One day I will create an alt that has moldy blue cheese ball eyes. ONE DAY.
@Artemis said in MU Peeves Thread:
@helvetica Thank you. I checked out one game where characters were not required/encouraged to have descs, just pbs, and I was like …um I guess I’ll see myself out.
Yeah, I started in the pre-PB days and frankly, I have an easier time cranking out descs than I do finding PBs and collecting/tweaking pics, etc. No disrespect to people who feel the opposite.
And if they are - in the right circumstances - is that a bad thing?
@ten If I wanted to be a main character, I’d play a video game. I’m here for collaboration, and I don’t view that as collaboration.
Weirdly I can’t wrap my head around PBs or descs. I’m terrible at writing character or build descs, and don’t actually like using PBs either, so I end up with characters that are something along the lines of:
Bob has short black hair and usually wears a t-shirt and jeans.
Which is about as descriptive as:
A snickerdoodle is a cookie.
The most hilarious part of this is that I can write flowing descriptions of action without issue.
@MisterBoring On TR and maybe also Fallcoast I forget, my long-standing @desc was ‘A hoopy froodette who knows where her towel is, and whose general appearance and clothing change as needed for the situation.’
@Jennkryst That’s oddly more descriptive than most descs I’ve read.
I’m going to stop using descs and just use ascii art of my PB.
With much of the cancer stuff behind me, except for one lingering surgery that I still need to have, I want to help tell stories. . . but I am not playing anywhere to help tell stories because I haven’t had the energy to play games for the last 6 months. Blargh.
I miss GMing.
Really enjoying the new MU I was able to join and start playing again. A very welcoming and enjoyable environment.
But it really sucks that I have to live on async scenes due to my job. Feel like I’m missing every relevant plot thread to get involved in because I can only check in a couple times a day.
It makes me wonder why I got back involved in RPing again. It’s definitely a ‘my life’ kind of issue. But I also just kind of sigh.
Constant unremitting sex jokes just make me so tired.
@Snackness do they make you as tired as my penis. budamcha.
@Meg No because they keep it up for longer.
@Snackness hey, i come and go quickly. that’s what they in the business call efficient.
@Snackness said in MU Peeves Thread:
Constant unremitting sex jokes just make me so tired.
It is a rare talent to be able to be horny on main, but also not annoy people with it.
Do I have that talent? I dunno, I try to be tasteful with my lewds, but also probably mess things up trying to be funny.
@Testament My inability to enjoy async is the primary reason I’m not playing much of anything outside of in person tabletop groups once or twice a month. I can kind of sympathize with your frustration.