I act like I ain’t got time for relationship RP but I actually like it very much.
Chibi FTBs are a bonus I didn’t know about until today.
You know those actors that ‘chew the scenery’ in movies and TV?
Yeah, that’s me, but in roleplayer form.
@Herja my confession is that someone told me I chew the scenery (it was a compliment) and I googled what it meant and I still don’t understand it lol
@bear_necessities It’s when an actor goes hard, especially when they didn’t need to. It is DRAMA. It is TENSION. It is 200% COMMITMENT in every choice. There will be nothing generic, nothing half-assed. It is the WHOLE ASS. It’s not entirely synonymous with overacting, although there can be overlap. Chewing the scenery can be an absolute positive, and you can see plenty of hugely well-regarded actors indulging in it over countless films.
From a RPer, I would say it’s people with a sense of DRAMA in the best sense of the word. For Herja, it’s probably because there is something that feels a bit Shakespearean, or maybe Greek drama, about how she always whole-asses it. Not DRAMA like people who just cause superficial drama, but drama like THE ANCIENT GREEKS IN THE AMPITHEATRE.
@bear_necessities ‘Chewing scenery’ usually to me suggests extreme over-acting. Like anything that Jeremy Irons or Willem Dafoe is in.
Depending on how schlocky the movie is, this has always been a compliment to me, as I’ve always assumed that the actor is having a great time with the role.
Ain’t nothing wrong with going hard.
No, but seriously. I love when people are vibing on what’s happening in and around their characters and stories because it draws me in for the ride. I tend to subscribe to the philosophy that we’re seeing the most meaningful moments of a person’s life in RP. So the times things went really great, went really wrong, the times they fucked up, the times they were most elated, the times they felt most accomplished.
I guess my related confession would be that my characters cry a lot and I’m not sorry about it.
@Testament said in Confessions:
@bear_necessities ‘Chewing scenery’ usually to me suggests extreme over-acting. Like anything that Jeremy Irons or Willem Dafoe is in.
Depending on how schlocky the movie is, this has always been a compliment to me, as I’ve always assumed that the actor is having a great time with the role.
Thanks to you and @Roz and honestly I agree, I’m definitely the Willem Dafoe of Rp.
@bear_necessities Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
I’m the Twilight-era Kristen Stewart. Everyone watched and secretly enjoyed but ain’t winning no awards for quality.
Can I please be the Ian McShane of the RP community?
@Roz said in Confessions:
@bear_necessities It’s when an actor goes hard, especially when they didn’t need to. It is DRAMA. It is TENSION. It is 200% COMMITMENT in every choice. There will be nothing generic, nothing half-assed. It is the WHOLE ASS. It’s not entirely synonymous with overacting, although there can be overlap. Chewing the scenery can be an absolute positive, and you can see plenty of hugely well-regarded actors indulging in it over countless films.
From a RPer, I would say it’s people with a sense of DRAMA in the best sense of the word. For Herja, it’s probably because there is something that feels a bit Shakespearean, or maybe Greek drama, about how she always whole-asses it. Not DRAMA like people who just cause superficial drama, but drama like THE ANCIENT GREEKS IN THE AMPITHEATRE.
I actually explained that @Herja does this to my husband the other night, because he was explaining to me what kind of tv show writing he likes and I was like ‘That’s Herja GMing. You are describing how Herja GMs.’
Also, if we’re giving ourselves titles, I desire to be the Jeff Bridges of the mush community.
@Rathenhope said in Confessions:
@bear_necessities Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
lmao I want to be this Alan Rickman
My confession is that I have absolutely no idea when people make references to me. This thread, for example, is going completely over my head now that you guys have started comparing yourselves to specific actors and actresses. I’m like “I don’t know how to compute this comparison.”
Oh. My other confession is that I’m not sorry for what I page one of @tsar’s Arx characters (and only that character) when she logs in that char.
While the nice things that @Roz and @crawfish said make me ecstatically happy, I really did mean my confession as a confession. I go hard 100% of the time in RP even when I think the players in question might prefer a more chill scene or something more laid back, but I’m still there making subtle references to a lengthy backstory that only I know or dropping hints about character secrets and creating dramatic tension when my scene partners just want to have a family dinner and talk about what plots we are involved in.