Real life happy
Eval time at work! First time with new boss doing it. Big thing is the critical elements. Mine are being rewritten to include VENDOR MANAGEMENT. This is not an increase in work OR responsibility: it is a huge, huge acknowledgment of the work I am already doing. Huge. I feel so seen and appreciated.
@Dreampipe said in Real life happy:
I passed my driver’s test and am now certified to be on the road. It’s not much but it’s taken me a long time and I’m pretty jazzed.
As someone who has never held a valid driver license, I’m going to say IT’S TOTALLY A LOT AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!
So my work bestie and I constantly pranked each other but she got me the best the last month when she hid a shitton of tiny naked genderless plastic babies in my things. I just opened up the sunroof shade on my van and like 3 more plastic babies fell out. Its been almost 1 months since the end of the school year and i laughed so hard and also miss seeing her every day.
Having a work bestie is one of the principal joys of having a career. Yours sounds amazing!
My doctor, who is the first PCP I have had in probably…15 years, that actually sat down with my medical chart and READ the WHOLE THING (and was thus able to get to the bottom of some of my shit!), well, she quit last year for a variety of reasons. I have not had a PCP since, I was grouchy (and thankfully I am medically stable currently). I’ve seen a doc a couple of times but never the same one and just for in the moment care stuff.
Just got an email that my doctor is starting back at the clinic on Sept 1st. FUCK YEAH.
It’s a little dumb but I’m crying about it. This is such a load off.
@IoleRae NOT DUMB having a non-shitty doctor is such a rare delight
Woot!! My two young adults who got covid and have been isolating at home are now 5 days post, their tests are negative, and so they can come out of isolation but are staying masked up for the next 5 days. And so far, no one else seems to have caught it!
I don’t know if this goes here, if not you can put me in the dungeon.
Did they make a good D&D movie?? They are least made a good D&D trailer!
@Tez I shouted OWLBEAR DON’T CARE at the screen when it went wild!
That trailer got me PUMPED.
@BurnNotice Is that–holy crap, that is Sophia Lillis! Okay, I’m in.
So I have absolutely no idea why this happens, but every now and then, usually during the summer, all of the advertising algorithms on my social media accounts have some sort of meltdown. And when they do, they start advertising… I don’t know how to put it, but just the weirdest, most random stuff. It comes completely out of nowhere and continues for about a week or so until one day it just stops.
You’d think I would shrug at this and not be posting it in the “RL Happy” thread, but. BUT. Without fail, there seems to be some sort of theme interconnecting these advertisements. And without fail, this theme is hilarious and I spend the entire week cackling madly at things that randomly show up as I’m casually going about my day, browsing the internet.
Two years ago, the theme seemed to be “Assorted Crotch Related Products”. This summer it seems like I’m getting “A Series of Romance-Slash-Softcore Porn Novels Written by Someone Who Saw Chuck Tingle’s Career and Decided to Take it Seriously.”
I now present a curated selection for your enjoyment.
The Tiny Butt Shower, for Pooping Like a Viking:
The Cooch Ball. Women Love It, We Swear:
“Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery”, Volume One of TWELVE, FOR FUCK’S SAKE:
“Her Dragon Daddy”, for All of Your Dragon-Shifter Pregnancy Domination Kinks in One:
You’re welcome, BMD. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I need to go see what this ad for Mouth Tape That is Totally About Curing Snoring, No Really, They Promise is all about.
ETA: These are all links to screenshots I took while cackling, not to the actual products. I promise I’m not trying to suck you into my vortex of “WTF?!” digital marketing.
It’s really stealth bondage gear.
I cried today in a room full of hundreds of people.
But I wasn’t the only one, because it was Hadestown, and I was completely, totally blown away. The album is already great, but the context of the live show elevated it to at least my top two live theatre performances.
It’s an old song…
@Selira said in Real life happy:
I cried today in a room full of hundreds of people.
But I wasn’t the only one, because it was Hadestown, and I was completely, totally blown away. The album is already great, but the context of the live show elevated it to at least my top two live theatre performances.
It’s an old song…
It had the same effect on me. I saw Hadestown pre-Covid with the original cast and it instantly became my favorite show even over Wicked, Hamilton, and Lion King. The story, the staging, the music… it all came together for me.
@Selira Last time I cried at a concert it was Peter Gabriel, man just had this crazy charisma it was so intense and amazing.
@Selira I love this musical so much! So happy it was great live!
So, I’m not a big anime fan at all but being interested in what my kids are interested in so that I can keep in touch with who they are and whatnot has always been a huge thing for me. All my kids have issues with anxiety, and things like letting one of them show me ARG videos all night on YouTube or another play me all the latest RnB music+videos on YouTube or Spotifywhen they can’t sleep or a third mixing random weird marbled paints for us to flick all over posterboard we lean against walls so they can detox from the daily torture in high school were ways I helped them work through shit that sometimes they wouldn’t even detail to me.
Fast forward ten years, everybody’s married, has kids, are struggling with serious mental health issues or the fallout from such, and it just tickles me to no end that my son calls me up to tell me about this wicked bad new anime (the last one was Vinland Saga which I fucking LOVED so he’s hoping to make it a streak) then does the math and realizes he has time to get over here and watch it with me before he goes to work, while I’m alone in the house and a bit under the weather.