George Foreman.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
A Terminator game of sorts.
WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
Curious about what people’s opinions are regarding these types of games and which ones do you prefer to join.
Do you prefer one splat only? (Vampires only, Hunters only, etc)
Selective splats that might be able to work together on the metaplot? (Werewolves and Mages, Demons and Changelings and Deviants, etc)
Or everything but the kitchen sink? (The kitchen sink is probably Mummy and/or Promethean)
LF various WoD/CofD people over the years
Was reading over some old logs and got nostalgic for various people I’ve RP’d with over the years and have lost contact with.
Are you the player of any of these people? Let me know, I’d love to RP with you again!
Bliss & Ruin
Can’t remember the name but a male Mekhet that ghouled my mortal after watching her get beaten up.Ordo Nox
Succubus (ST/Admin handle)
Anathema (ST/Admin handle)
Remy the Orpheus character from Ordo NoxFabula Rasa
Pretty much anyone that was in the following games:
The Vegas Hunter game
Maq’s Asheville Mage game
Maq’s Anchorage Werewolf gameNOLA (whatever the latest version was)
RafaelWanton Wicked - Savannah
Too many people to list, but if you remember Eve Masterson and enjoyed playing with her/me, this is for you!Fallcoast
Darwin (ST handle)
IsriealTarnished Reflections
Anyone from the Vampire or Changeling game! -
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Brain weasels continually getting to you when you’re trying to create a game.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
You may be able to avoid the Mage sphere, but if inuki has characters in the other spheres it’s hard to avoid them.
RE: Inuki Ban Thread
@DrQuinn Yes, she’s also known as jujube (which I think her last account was)
RE: Numetal/Retromux
It’s interesting the only thing that was claimed as untrue (which then got receipts) was that they didn’t slut shame someone.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
The lengths someone will go to be the prettiest princess with all the e-peen.
RE: Numetal/Retromux
@inuki as iterated already, someone else advertised the game. I specifically didn’t trash the game and just posted a thread about another game that was ran by you for people to make their own decisions.
I haven’t played on here or anything so can’t speak on experience of how actually things are but wanted to speak up without cluttering the actual game ad.
This is the newest game from jujube/chokitypok/etc (I’m assuming ChaoticSin is just their newest forum handle).
Check out this thread for how they handle their games.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@bored That isn’t the insult/flex that you think it is
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Coin Yes and yes (in most cases). Social characters are great and have just as an important part in games as characters that can punch things really well.
It’s fine if people use social stats on my characters as long as it’s something like “hey you should consider supporting this cause” instead of something like “hey your character should kiss mine”.
There’s a whole system for social “combat” in CofD.
There’s nothing bad/wrong/etc. about playing a pretty/social character. My eye roll/side eye was at people using it (and only it, not as part of one) as a RP hook.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@mietze There’s a huge difference between playing an attractive character and having it as a hook for your character. Just as there is a difference between including in your poses that your character turns heads to making every pose about super hot your character is.
I do the same side eye at characters who have a RP hook (or constantly pose about) how rawr big their character is.
If these are things you want to have included in your RP, there’s more interesting ways to go about it.
Example, instead of ‘my character is pretty, RP with me!’ you could put ‘my character enjoys taking care of themselves, let’s do a spa day’. Or instead of ‘my character is rawr big’ you could put ‘my character frequently does strength training, let’s go to the gym’.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Snackness This!
Your character being rich is the hook. They just also happen to be pretty! ;D
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@ten I will always side eye characters/players who use “I’m pretty/handsome!” as a RP hook. It makes me feel like the player wants me to fawn over their character and describe how cute/pretty/etc. my character thinks they are in every pose.