MU Peeves Thread
@GF I’m usually braced for some creeper shit.
@Snackness Do they actually say anything to you other than answering direct questions you ask them?
@GF Yes? That’s why I don’t like it.
@Snackness Interesting. My experience with guys who just page “Hi” is that they will only answer questions and wait to be asked more.
That’s usually why I live by my theory that you’re(general you’re)an asshole until you prove otherwise.
Phone’ic occents
@Pavel said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Kestrel said in MU Peeves Thread:
Phone’ic occents
Dere’s not’eng wrong with a bit av Oirish.
I grew up with an Irish grandmother and a mostly Welsh grandfather.
It so makes things hard to track.
Up there with nigh unpronounceable names if you don’t know the language to get it right without hearing it. And then only referring to yourself with a name that sounds not even remotely close.
Caoimhe (Feminine, pronounced roughly Keeva) But the peever might use Alistair. And only Alistair in scene. NO mention of the Irish name ever.
And as a player of superheroes. Much love to friends playing Remy and Rahne for not going nuts on the Cajun and Scots.
It’s fookin text RP. If your text ain’t comprehensible, you ain’t RPing. I’m not here to watch other people jerk off. Except if we know each other pretty well iykwim.
@sao I guess though the same could be said about movies (if you can’t tell what an actor is saying is it bad acting?) Yet for example Brad Pitt had an infamous go in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where I had no idea what he was talking about.
I admit being exposed to that on a regular basis would get old fast, though.
@Arkandel said in MU Peeves Thread:
@sao I guess though the same could be said about movies (if you can’t tell what an actor is saying is it bad acting?) Yet for example Brad Pitt had an infamous go in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where I had no idea what he was talking about.
I admit being exposed to that on a regular basis would get old fast, though.
It was actually deliberate when Pitt did it in Snatch, It was part of the grift.
No one outside his family was meant to understand him.
@Arkandel said in MU Peeves Thread:
I guess though the same could be said about movies
To a point. Actors aren’t always meant to be comprehensible, it’s a visual medium primarily not an audio one (it’s audiovisual, but the visual is the bigger part of that I would argue).
If one’s text can’t be understood, in a text-based medium, then it’s probably bad text. Sure, puzzles exist, but generally that’s for the character to figure out, not (just) the player.
Please no one make me figure out puzzles I beg you I BEG
I need to stop planning rp and plots and not following through. Or not planning plots until I’ve finished all the plots I’ve got going.
Having something normal/not bad/still complicated go on with one of your characters. And that topic has been triggering for some rp partners, or just boring/not of interest to others…
So, instead of finding out who would want to, I’m just not rping about it, which is not the point of having something normal/not bad/still complicated happen to a character.
@helvetica ugggh.
I’m sorry, that really sucks. but yea, been there many a time and sometimes you just don’t have the energy to seek/do a lot of careful checkins that’s gonna divert more energy/take on more risk.