@DrQuinn said in Concordia Thread:
it will sit there on the active scenes list for days at a time just showing me sitting there until I give up and close it. So instead of a few hours of no one coming to RP with me, it can be some very public days.
Right… until you give up and close it. But you can do that literally any time you want, and then it will disappear from the public scenes list. I mean, sure, if you’re going to leave it up there for days with no one biting I can understand that being discouraging. But that’s the equivalent of sitting idle in the bar for days with no one biting, which would also be discouraging.
(I realize none of this has anything to do with Concordia specifically so a mod is welcome to splinter this off to some thread about putting yourself out there for RP).
@Faraday There’s a certain investment represented in creating an open scene and pre-writing/posting an scene set that is distinct from going onto a grid and waiting to see if someone shows up. There’s also a distinction in how pacing works on many ares games, where it’s often the norm to wait longer periods for players in different timezones or with different rl responsibilities.
I agree that there’s just some fundamental misunderstanding here. Oh, well!
Fucking hell, Yossarian.
I’m sorry @Duke-Whisky .
What’s a Yossarian?
@tsar Still sorry that happened to them! upvotes
@tsar He’s a creep who showed up on the Pack and has been making the rounds on Ares games ever since.
@tsar Check this bit out. It goes on for a few pages, and I brought screenshots to the party.
https://brandmuday.mythicus.net/topic/53/mu-peeves-thread/1701?_=1695511552641 -
@Tributary Oh RIGHT. THIS GUY.
I appreciate when private scenes are hidden from view honestly. That way I don’t have to see my lonely just me scene is cricketing while others are actively posing on their private things. (Even if I intellectually understand why that might be happening, and I myself would have been likely to have a private scene too, it’s still kind of an ouch personally) That tends to remove most of my stress of FOMO.
I usually have set a time limit for myself for how long I’ll wait for someone to show up. If I liked the set or managed to come up with a clever title, I shamelessly keep it and close/stop it! And then recycle the next time I get a nibble of someone saying yes to my RP request channel post or whatever after I’ve spammed the channel for days with no response.
I’ve never had anyone complain about it, they probably never noticed me on the orginial scene in the first place.
Keeping/reusing is actually very helpful to me especially with my brain and now fatigue issues. I’ve not done this on concordia because private scenes are visible, but I’ve done it regularly when it could be hidden and even tried to have like 2ish premade scene starts ready to go so that the other person/people and I could jump into play without having to wait for someone to come up with the mental energy to fill out that form.
So about Concordia in the Concordia thread. Seriously, like Coin I was super-confused about if @Duke-Whisky was making a ‘game closing’ post or just bemoaning how shitty some players were in surprising ways and I wanna know.
@Third-Eye said in Concordia Thread:
So about Concordia in the Concordia thread. Seriously, like Coin I was super-confused about if @Duke-Whisky was making a ‘game closing’ post or just bemoaning how shitty some players were in surprising ways and I wanna know.
@Coin @Third-Eye I was right there, too. It was def that tone.
I’m reasonably certain it’s just a shake off frustration post. That’s how it read to me anyway, and there’s been stuff going on there since.
Until game owners make posts saying that they’re closing the game, I don’t assume that they’re closing it. I thought we’ve learned that lesson before when game runners make a relatively innocent post in the community about needing to take a little time to destress and people immediately freak out and abandon ship.
Just like the spigot of new game FOMO excitement from the community can obliterate games and crush gamerunners’ souls beneath the feet of WhY AReN’T U DoinG IT LiKE tHe GAmE I waNteD iN My HeAD/THaT oTHer PlACe?!?!?!eleventyone!!111! I think sometimes the opposite happens too.
@Third-Eye said in Concordia Thread:
bemoaning how shitty some players were in surprising ways and I wanna know.
This one.
I hope you do not close… Coming from a player. But if you need help dealing with shitting people… I can help. I’m pretty good with that. Just keep your joy and imagination. -
@Duke-Whisky I also hope you don’t close. I’m just getting back to finding a smidge of time in my hectic RL. I truly think there’s a lot of potential even if I’ve had trouble with Ares games in the past.
Also I totally understand how becoming a game running and getting a glimpse behind the veil can make you feel jaded about how folks treat one another. There are more folks who aren’t creeps than there are creeps.
FWIW @Duke-Whisky isn’t the only one involved in Concordia so even if they were done with the game, that doesn’t mean closure. @spes is clearly still very visibly active and involved with the game.
Yossarion definitely rings a bell, so I checked my discord, and I have him blocked because he was a bit of a penis to me back when I was running CS. Maybe it is just something that person does.
Sorry that happened to you and try not to let people wear you down. Easier said than done, I know.