The Arx Secrets Thread
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@Babs said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@peasoup said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
I stopped poking at it because everyone told her not to
Maybe this was already a thing and I just missed it but I feel like secrets needed a big disclaimer telling you to ignore other players when they told you this.
I think it got better later on, but there was definitely a group of us who unfortunately misunderstood that extremely reasonable IC advice as OOC advice.
I mean, it was often a ton of OOC pressure as well as IC pressure from some corners unfortunately. some people would absolutely insist that you not only not poke at a thing but also never ever get anyone else involved, and they’d say it was all about your character’s safety but like…a lot of the time it pretty honestly felt like they just didn’t want anyone else to have something cool or share the cool thing they themselves had access to, frankly.
but whattaya gonna do, there are toxic players in every game really.
This is not a secret, but Smile’s post reminded me of it! As Jael, I made a creepy ASCII item that was a portrait of a Laurent relative, and based it off of a creepy-ass portrait my grandmother had in her foyer. The main feature of the portrait was that it had an overall green hue (like the RL one). It had absolutely no plot meaning whatsoever.
People were BEGGING the Laurents to come look at it and speculate on its deeper meaning and metaplot implications. Would not take ‘it’s nothing’ for an answer.
Titus managed to obtain what I call a patron from a powerful NPC (Evelynn) when he messed up one time (that happened a lot). That relationship blossomed into something that culminated at the end him giving his life to protect them and Oblivion when they asked, and by sacrificing himself he contributed to protect all the stories in the world rather than just his one story.
Except for Azazel, because fuck that thing, that story should be fed to Oblivion so it never happens again. Sorrynotsorry.
I remember very clearly being told not to look into some information/secrets of Esme. So Esme did what any good, God-fearing zealot would do.
She smiled. Said of course.
Then in secret became a legendary occultist to understand the secret/information better. Being shot down IC (and a bit OOC) just branched her story in a new way.
@Wizz Well, you see… if nobody else is investigating their own secrets, that leaves the STs free to only do plot for the folks who are tricking others into not investigating!
My insane work schedule didn’t help, and I shouldn’t expect people to drop everything and answer my stuff now, but needing to find an ST to run plot and then the wait list didn’t help keep my squirrel brain focused on the MU. There was lots of ‘oh that’s cool’ and ‘we should meet to talk about things’, but actually putting plans into motion… I could never really commit at the right time, in the right way.
When I’m not bogged down at work, I’ll go dig up the secrets for Ysbail as far as I understood them, but any deeper meaning beyond it is anyone’s guess.
@RightMeow I feel this. I was often warned off of trying to dig in to reincarnation stuff as Azova. And the last thing I wanted to do was cheese it and try to get an NPC to tell me. I regret not taking that leap, honestly.
Until the very end, it was a pretty pervasive thing it feels like, to discourage people even if it was just IC. Only so many times an avenue of rp is closed off before you give up OOC as well.
The IC discouragement (provided it was just IC, which, sigh) made total sense with a lot of secrets, but could definitely get overwhelming and if people were already hesitant about digging into metaplot, it was really easy to accidentally push them into shying away from it. It’s definitely something that needs to be considered going forward, even if Arx 2 ends up not having character secrets (if it does, they’ll probably be handled differently anyway), or on any game with a similar idea.
That said, there are very few things that irked me more than players putting OOC pressure on other players to stay away from their own plot hooks.
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
I was JUST informed Arx ended. A round of applause. Truly. It was an immense effort, and it looks like it paid off wonderfully.
Rinel’s FIRST secret was that she could access a secret room in the Labyrinth that contained a book that was being constantly updated–possibly by Vellichor? I don’t know. But I was too scared to do anything with it, and so I never did any actions, and that ended up spiralling into Rinel getting removed from the Scholars and banned from the Labyrinth. Staff was kind enough to give her a second secret, which was:
…I don’t remember. I think it was magic. She did the cleansing ritual and got told to fuck off by the Gods for her various and sundry heresies, which had a pretty profound impact on her mental health, and she ended up going down the path of the druids, for a bit, while still worshipping the Gods in her own heretical ways.
I loved that character; I loved Arx. I’m glad it concluded instead of winding down into inactivity. Stories are always better when they have an end, no matter how sad.
There will always be a little bit of Rinel Tern in me, and I’m genuinely grateful for it.
Yeah, a quick glance at her original secret was that Vellichor was sending her information.
@kalakh said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
I was JUST informed Arx ended. A round of applause. Truly. It was an immense effort, and it looks like it paid off wonderfully.
Rinel’s FIRST secret was that she could access a secret room in the Labyrinth that contained a book that was being constantly updated–possibly by Vellichor? I don’t know. But I was too scared to do anything with it, and so I never did any actions, and that ended up spiralling into Rinel getting removed from the Scholars and banned from the Labyrinth. Staff was kind enough to give her a second secret, which was:
…I don’t remember. I think it was magic. She did the cleansing ritual and got told to fuck off by the Gods for her various and sundry heresies, which had a pretty profound impact on her mental health, and she ended up going down the path of the druids, for a bit, while still worshipping the Gods in her own heretical ways.
I loved that character; I loved Arx. I’m glad it concluded instead of winding down into inactivity. Stories are always better when they have an end, no matter how sad.
There will always be a little bit of Rinel Tern in me, and I’m genuinely grateful for it.
Yeah, a quick glance at her original secret was that Vellichor was sending her information.
I can only imagine his reaction as she continued being herself.
Over the course of Arx, I had several bits that didn’t really stick and one that only sort of did. That was mostly due to environment, but his Secret was also really neat.
As an aside about that environment part, when I was having trouble finding a good place to be, it was suggested that I consider the Laurent family. That was a good decision and essentially all the folks I encountered there were welcoming and pleasant and not at all pushy. Many kudos. But this is the Secrets Thread.
So, I made an OC and requested a Secret, which was the style at the time, and got a super interesting one, but one that was closely tied (in my mind) to the Actions system that would eventually gum up because of huge numbers of requests. I’m sure that a more persistent and/or more creative player would have found a way around that, but I didn’t.
Naka Laurent had an ability to study an existing Clue and reveal more to it that had previously been hidden. He learned through RP that there was a Ritual that had a similar effect, but he could do it without any obvious preparation, just by spending his time looking at the Clue and considering it. I used most of his Actions to do this and only found a couple Clues, here and there, that it didn’t work on. Usually I’d direct him to those Clues that had obvious redacted portions, were surviving fragments of larger works, and so on.
So, those players who felt that Clues changed sometimes were correct. I wasn’t necessarily the only one doing it, but I was someone who was.
Naka was kind of a generic bumbling Scholar with only a few friends who would go to tea and collect a fat check from House Laurent for just existing. And, then, occasionally, he would, also without great personal effort, “force” staff to go back and add more to the lore. It was great fun, but also added a great deal of work, and, as it became more and more obvious that staff were greatly overworked and I couldn’t put my finger on that workaround that would go without putting in more Actions, I just kind of drifted away from the game.
And I do want to be clear that I never got a single hint of a complaint or hesitation about it. It was a personal decision to step back and, then, one day, I just never logged in again. I didn’t know for sure that that was my decision until weeks after.
@CUmush Naka was a delight!
@CUmush Hi! I played Cristoph, me and Mabelle’s player were just talking about how great you were.
Naka WAS a delight.
@CUmush LOVED Naka!!!
Ok wait actually I have two questions because I’m legitimately curious:
what the HECK was the deal with Driskell Stillwater
what was the nature of the Thirteenth? Was it a divinity of its own accord, or some sort of natural rule of the universe, a mirror through which the gods were reflected, or both?
@Rinel said in The Arx Secrets Thread:
Ok wait actually I have two questions because I’m legitimately curious:
- what the HECK was the deal with Driskell Stillwater
He was a PC whose player made up a bunch of stuff.
- what was the nature of the Thirteenth? Was it a divinity of its own accord, or some sort of natural rule of the universe, a mirror through which the gods were reflected, or both?
Tehom was Aion’s counterpoint.
Relevant on the question of Driskell Stillwater, from the AMA Apostate did (
Apostate says, “Bless Driskell, but one should take everything they said, tie it up into a tastefully decorated package, and then yeet it into the sea. By happenstance they might have said something accurate somewhere in there but I have not yet seen it.”
Tehom is basically the Abyss. Much like Aion is the Dream.
@Snackness One of THE MOST emotional scenes of my Arx career as Khanne, that gargantuan scene!
It was good stuff.
Kind of adjacent to an Arx secret, but did revelation 30 (“Fable Knows Your Name”) have a large impact on PCs? Or was it more aimed at people during the time it was first introduced?