2 Nov 2023, 20:48

I feel like if /players/ made it clear stuff they don’t enjoy RPing out as consequences to their actions it would save everyone a lot of heartache (not counting those who will be upset no matter what is done to make life easier for them). I’m usually game for anything, for example, but I would rather not perma-maimed (loss of voice, loss of limb… uh… whatever else) or death (when I don’t say ‘go for it’). If my actions make my bit inevitable for dying or something I’ll be mad/upset/sad/whatever because I’m ‘not done their story’ but get over it as soon as I process what happened fully. There are some characters I still lament about losing/giving up (by choice or consequence), such as Sameera and a character I had called Tekinta (however she never worked without my at the time girlfriend’s male character who was her spouse because of how we twinned them together and for us it worked for how we played), because I loved them but there are some, like Tayani, who’s ‘ending’ was perfect for their concept/life (She was a Firan bit who botched a birth roll it was when they were doing their changes around the baby stuff so I was given a choice). She died in childbirth. I had people like ‘I’m sorry she died in such an uncool way’. For the character it was not ‘uncool’ or anything. She died in a way just right for /her/ and in a way connected to a lot of her hopes and dreams (her last child was that of one of her most beloved Gods… the Gods part was something she never spoke of since she was a monotheist).

Anyways, my rambling can be summed up with ‘Players be nice to your staff and express what you are not comfortable with’. My limited experience with Arx staff is they will /try/ giving you warning of your actions doing a very bad consequence for your character, sometimes IC, sometimes directly OOC. My experience is limited due to my own fault. I’m not as ‘get out and RP’ as a lot of people are nor do I really play the types of characters that make sense in most of the plots I know of (which is limited by my own inactivity/inattentiveness) so I could be remembering wrong about the warnings but I feel like the few scenes I have been in that involved staff is they warn.