Don’t forget we moved!
But Why
@Evilgrayson said in But Why:
You can’t rely on Disney for anything. If you’ve ever read Victor Hugo’s Hunchback of Notre Dame, you’ll know exactly what I mean.
Wait, you mean the farting gargoyles weren’t real?!
I’m losin’ to a bird!
@Aria surely there’s a farting gargoyle somewhere!! don’t they pee and barf on some buildings? if there are no farting gargoyles i’m so sad.
@mietze I’m no expert, but this one is definitely farting.
Though I can’t tell if it’s a gargoyle or a grotesque.
yay! sadness abated.
The thread was forked because it was a topic started in a thread it added no value to (imo) and so there isn’t a reason for a link to return to the OG thread. -
@junipersky Yeah. Well, the only reason is that people who’ve not read the original thread are bound to wonder.
I actually didn’t think about it. I am not in the habit of editing threads to add a link to the top, and I would not do so. I post on the original thread most of the time when I do fork content off, though, indicating I have done so and linking to it.
I’ve always wondered why no one ever created a Disney’s Robinhood MUSH. You know you would get players! It’s furry, it’s knights and bandits, it’s cartoons so it has the childhood nostalgia angle. Set it in a town near the coast where Robinhood the cartoon takes place. That way you can have sea related characters and all the traditional Robinhood types.Set it in the same Disney world, have some local nobles being greedy and some rebels trying to stop them. A church trying to keep the peace. It would be a simple, fun little game.
Heck, I would build it myself if I had the money but I have to work for a living.
@Duke-Whisky said in But Why:
What’s the anime from the first post?
Sword Art Online (The Abridged version)
It’s a fan made parody of the anime series Sword Art Online.
It’s much better than the original and you can watch it for free.
Here is a playlist of the episodes: -
@De-Villefort Probably because furries? I’d totally groove on a game where the PCs are heroic bandits supporting a suffering overtaxed populace, but would probably skip one that introduced all the awkwardness of the PCs being anthropomorphic cartoon animals, cause you know a weasel is gonna get a chicken pregnant and… for me, so much but why can’t we just be humans?
Nottingham and Sherwood Forest are real places and are not near the coast, at least not in England-scale. Not that this would matter at all.
“Blahblahblah reasoned, structured, and logical statement, blah!”Counter argument: Playing as pirates.
Re: Furries.
Given the dwindling size of the player base for text games in general, can you really afford to ostracize a large fan base like them?It’s much more likely that people will play an active game in spite of it having furries than furries will play a game that doesn’t at least partially cater to their fetish.
Look at what happens to WoD games that don’t allow shape shifter. They are practically stillborn right out of the gate because the lack of part-time-furries drives away those players who want to get their fuzzy freak on in private.
What was that game that recently shut down because of drama that had shifters? The Pack? It was popular because it was part-time-furry. Even if they don’t use the furry stuff very often, I think a lot of them will avoid any game that doesn’t give them the option.
I started reading this and come to the conclusion that this is the weirdest thread.
It’s seriously not that deep.
@De-Villefort said in But Why:
Heck, I would build it myself if I had the money but I have to work for a living.
Could independently wealthy game runners that don’t need to work for a living please raise their hands?
This thread has everything. False dichotomies. Hyperbole. Hot takes on literature. Viking hygiene. MU RP is Dying
️. Class struggle. Book recommendations. Furries.
@De-Villefort huh? weird statement to make as there have been many changeling only and vampire only games that do very well focusing on a single sphere. Werewolf too.
It is true though that there are elements of being able to change form in vampire and changeling if you set up the right build. But nobody needs any particular sphere. I’m glad that was realized because I do think for a long while esp in the era of almost every wod game having to be massively multisphere even if staff was only grudgingly so, there’s less pressure for staff to open anything except what they have interest in running and they can safely ignore the obnoxious folk who are like “No true WoD place doesn’t have this thing i want so I won’t play if you don’t have it.” One of my favorite things about this era of mushing (aside from a community less tolerant of harassment, creepiness, and abusive behavior–no more 3 free incidents!) is all the times I’ve seen staff take in someone’s obnoxious whining about how the game isn’t going to be good because they don’t like that it doesn’t have/has something they think should be different and then they boot their ass out. Politely even.
@De-Villefort said in But Why:
Heck, I would build it myself if I had the money but I have to work for a living.
Could independently wealthy game runners that don’t need to work for a living please raise their hands?
I’m independently wealthy in memes and random cyrptocurrency that have no actual value. Does that count.
Me reading the OP and everything after
People wanna play what they wanna play. If you don’t wanna play that, don’t play it?
Just this opening line:
What is the appeal of playing humans in a world without magic, technology, or even indoor plumbing?
Let me just say that indoor plumbing has never been a cornerstone of my roleplay, so a lack of it doesn’t bother me one bit.