Haven: The Safe Haven
@HannahBananna That’s not what we do here. Also this is for RL, non-MU venting, so you weren’t even using the thread properly.
ETA: Also I know who you are now, and I can do this all day.
@Pavel Thankfully you just proved you’re still a troll and still can’t read. What is being a player on a MU? A real life event. What is being banned from one because you’re an adult around people who are supposed to be adults but acting like children? A real life struggle. THINK before you speak and some decade you might begin to be right. I’ve used the thread properly, stop abusing it and accusing me of doing it. Clearly you are a troll, and one who expects me to believe you can hack my firewall and somehow tell me my name, town, job, etc. The last stand of a desperate troll who clearly knows nothing, or they’d have doxxed me by now.
@HannahBananna you’re posting in an inappropriate part of the forum. Going on to a rl focused conversation thread to air your mush angst is not great.
T Tez moved this topic from No Escape from Reality on
These posts had nothing to do with RL so I have moved them into a brand new haven thread. Given your tone, the thread clearly belongs in Rough and Rowdy.
I have to say the meltdown really delivered, but my favorite part was the Haven invite so I am delighted to see this branched off with this title.
If you managed this mess in three days (three days, three days, three days), I’m with staff on the ban. You sound like a nightmare.
You had a meltdown over what looked like a player possibly overstepping one time in a pose that required staff involvement. If that’s enough to send you into a spiral and require outside help to resolve, communal writing is going to be a tough place for you to thrive.
Also, please use paragraph breaks.
when I finished reading this thread:
@HannahBananna said in Haven: The Safe Haven:
What is being banned from one because you’re an adult around people who are supposed to be adults but acting like children? A real life struggle.
I gotta say, I don’t know why you were banned from Concordia, buddy, but at the very least you didn’t react like this.
Is Haven an actual game?
@Polk Buried somewhere at the bottom of the post at the top is this bit:
It’s got about 15 players at peak time right now so if you want to contribute to a game run by decent adults, hop over to Havenrpg.net on port 3000 where everyone treats you right, but your characters oh so wrong.
Haven’s a real experience of a place from tales I’ve heard.
@Tez it’s full of real rp, with real adults who want to keep it real