The Three Horsepersons of the MSBColapse, also called Direct Confrontation, Factual Analysis and Unwarped Reality.
@sao wait, who’s who
I’m really glad that people like Hella/VulgarKitten feel safer on MSB now that everyone who is willing to point out her history of manipulative, abusive, and predatory behavior that recently got her banned from a game is no longer there to bully her by remembering who she is.
Like, holy shit. I’ll honestly accept it from some people, they hate me, whatever. But she is so flagrantly using this whole situation as an avenue to reingratiate herself under the guise of being the victim.
God I just have to stop reading that bullshit.
It actually turns my stomach to see her getting away with it after being so profoundly, boundary-breakingly creepy on Arx.
Because we were clearly just arbitrarily mean to her. Like bullies.
Looks like nothing has changed since I last looked at MSB. Or the mush community in general, really.
Not sure why I expected anything different.
Also the lack of self awareness is just insulting.
My ban came specifically because I shouted out ‘These other bans are unjust, if you believe them to be, you should ban me too’
… at least, that was the intent, they banned me pretty quick so I didn’t have a chance to fix the phrasing.
This whole thing just makes me feel generally kind of crappy and anxious.
Honestly? Good for them, I guess.
They’ve taken a pretty lively community that was interesting to read even without actively participating and turned it into smoking wreckage that they now seem laser-focused on pretending is some sort of triumph. As someone completely uninvolved who always kept a vague eye on MSB after self-banning, I honestly think that petty, immature ‘hookers and blow’ comment over there today pretty much says everything needing saying about what’s left over there for those who choose to continue dropping by.
I’ll be over here.
Same thing here as I said there. It just makes me tired. Although, probably a little sad too.
I was fine being a lurker and sharing my normal stuff cuz I couldn’t ever find over here - but someone posted the link and now I have and now I will come, and today’s stuff was just the last straw.
So, can I hang with y’all now please?