MU Peeves Thread
There’s a time and place for weird and kinky sex shenanigans, and often it isn’t casually in a public space with people who never asked to be involved.
A non MU example, I joined an FC in Final Fantasy 14 and the girlfriend of the FC leader referred to herself as ‘Ize’ because she didn’t believe a submissive should use the pronoun ‘I’ (So like ‘Ize thinks the problem is that the raid was scheduled too early’) And whenever someone new would come along, be confused like “Who’s Ize?” she’d go on to explain that she was Ize. That was strange, made me roll my eyes a bunch, felt maybe a little racist at times though I’m not sure why it made me feel that way, but overall wasn’t SUPER off-putting. What made me tap out was when she started calling the FC leader ‘Daddy’ in the public FC chat.
Like I’ve got no inherent problem with those kinks, have friends who partake in the latter one. But I think it sorta becomes an issue of consent when someone’s pushing their kinks in everyone’s face without worrying whether those people are OK with it or not.
@Sammich That sure makes me think of this Ask a Manager letter where someone’s coworker was in a 24/7 D/s relationship and wanted her coworkers to also refer to her boyfriend as her “master.”
@Roz said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Sammich That sure makes me think of this Ask a Manager letter where someone’s coworker was in a 24/7 D/s relationship and wanted her coworkers to also refer to her boyfriend as her “master.”
After reading that, the fact that this person tried using gay rights to justify their D/s relationship made me cringe real hard. And not to mention, kind of upsetting.
One is a sexual orientation, and the other a lifestyle choice, they are not the same. If you want to do the 24/7 thing, godspeed, but there are easy ways of doing that in public without making everyone else in the damn room uncomfortable.
My favorite part of my work environment is when my coworkers make me a participant in their sex lives, I’m sure you all feel the same
@GF said in MU Peeves Thread:
My favorite part of my work environment is when my coworkers make me a participant in their sex lives, I’m sure you all feel the same
Saying “Man, I keep hoping <insert person here> will start playing again. I really miss them <3” and then finding out they died of cancer half a year ago :C
ETA: To anyone seeing both this and my post in the Pals and Playlists section, this post isn’t about Emda! This is just what made me be all “Shit I haven’t heard from Emda in a while either, hope they’re okay…”
@bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:
I just wanna play the theme, man.
Like, most of the themes are at least a little slutty though. Especially when we’re talking white wolf. Every type has at least one splat that’s like ‘and these are the hot slutty ones’. Even Star Wars did it! Entire race of awesome, hot, slutty aliens. Multiple races even but like, the Zeltrons are pretty implicitly so.
Also like…if you tell me I’m not supposed to spend my time making massive zombie armies of doom to take over the city and stop me from planning my downward spiral to becoming the Tremere Lich I’ve always wanted to be, I’m going to get bored. Things happen.
@Sammich I’m so sorry! I’ve been there. It’s sad and can make you feel bad about not keeping touch. Which you shouldn’t but it can anyhow.
@Luna said in MU Peeves Thread:
@bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:
I just wanna play the theme, man.
Like, most of the themes are at least a little slutty though. Especially when we’re talking white wolf. Every type has at least one splat that’s like ‘and these are the hot slutty ones’. Even Star Wars did it! Entire race of awesome, hot, slutty aliens. Multiple races even but like, the Zeltrons are pretty implicitly so.
Also like…if you tell me I’m not supposed to spend my time making massive zombie armies of doom to take over the city and stop me from planning my downward spiral to becoming the Tremere Lich I’ve always wanted to be, I’m going to get bored. Things happen.
I’m not entirely sure how the two things you mentioned go together; no one’s telling you not to make zombie armies…? That’s not even remotely slutty. Unless they are slutty zombies. And then again, you do you (or him or her or whoever!) but keep it contained to the people who consent?
I came for the MU drama and stayed for the slutty zombie armies
I play a slut with a zombie army and it isn’t even on a wod game
@imstillhere No slutty zombie bear armies?
so are these like reverse harem zombie situations? or?? what are the dynamics here, expound.
@sao I’m just replying because I wanted to type the words ‘ritualistic necro-orgies’.
@imstillhere said in MU Peeves Thread:
I came for the MU drama and stayed for the slutty zombie armies
@Testament said in MU Peeves Thread:
@imstillhere No slutty zombie bear armies?
At least if they’re slutty they won’t barnshame my dates
@bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:
I’m not entirely sure how the two things you mentioned go together; no one’s telling you not to make zombie armies…? That’s not even remotely slutty. Unless they are slutty zombies. And then again, you do you (or him or her or whoever!) but keep it contained to the people who consent?
I’m a bit amused how you replied to the joke part of my post and ignored my actual point that many games, themes, and settings do touch on sexuality. I get what you’re saying, time and place, blah blah, but you can’t just say ‘but muh theme’ as an overall objection, at least in my opinion.
I’ve spent time over the years thinking about my position on these things, which has for sure changed over time. It’s a complicated topic honestly. Women get slut shamed, even by other women. If there’s someone you want to RP with but he’s always hanging out with some chick, it tends to get framed as for sure TS with the woman being on the ‘doing wrong’ side of it.
Women are the ones stated as ‘causing drama’ when love triangles go wrong. Dudes who are creeps get written off and eye rolled, despite being legitimately RL dangerous. (I honest to god have stories and I’m sure others do as well)
Even in the example with the submissive guild mate, it wasn’t the man (who is clearly complicit) that was framed as being objectionable, it was the woman’s words and actions. That situation would have made me uncomfortable too, but since it was her actions, she gets the focus, despite it clearly being to his benefit as well.
As pro kink as I am, do I love people being roped into other peoples public displays of whatever? No. But I’m honestly not going to be outspoken about it like I once was — in a broadly speaking fashion.
With the whole groomer narrative RL about stuff like the dumb leather harness from Balenciaga, despite it being on several runways for spring and a thing in fashion long enough that there are fast fashion versions, I don’t trust people to know actual kink if it bent them over, spanked their ass and told them to say step on me mommy. I’m absolutely sick to death of hearing about sexuality being ‘rubbed in peoples faces’ over any slight show of gay affection.
There’s a redic thread of purity culture in MU* and I’ve been part of it, despite also being an unrepentant turbo slut. Someone in this thread (I think) actually managed to state that they don’t participate in TS in what I felt was straight up a non-judgy way, which is exceedingly rare. Aro/ace exists and that too is part of human sexuality and is a cool thing to explore. That’s kind of the point with sexual themes within themes. Sex is part of the human condition and seeing how your inhuman or sorta but not or magical human relates to it and your character themselves deals with things is another facet to play out.
You don’t like it? Ok. Can people’s behavior be annoying or gross? Yes. Can it ruin your scene? Absolutely. Does that suck? Yes. But let’s not pretend there isn’t a theme out there that doesn’t relate to sexuality in some way. Even a historical puritan game would relate to themes of sexuality. Frankly it might even hinge on it more than many other themes.
We should look more at how the attitudes around TS are actually pretty harmful to women and other marginalized groups, how we talk about things publicly versus privately, why shame has to be involved in any of it, and empower people to be able to set healthy boundaries by open discussion rather than setting a standard of purity being better.
Additionally, loud and clear boundary setting should be the gold standard. I’d rather hear a complaint of ‘these people were doing this and several of us stated that we didn’t feel comfortable with the scene and they continued to ignore our boundaries’ rather than ‘I wish people wouldn’t do this because ew’. Is there a difference? Absolutely. One scenario expects others to recognize that people are making you uncomfortable. The other gives them the option to either respect your feelings without any guessing games. It shows other players healthy boundary setting and communication.
I wrote this on my phone. I have no idea how long it is. I’d like to give a special thanks to the Adderall shortages for the rambling nature. I’m not proof reading this. It is what it is.
@Solstice This gif is magical and I love your brain for picking it.
@Luna said in MU Peeves Thread:
As pro kink as I am, do I love people being roped into other peoples public displays of whatever? No. But I’m honestly not going to be outspoken about it like I once was. Just leave. If you remove the audience, you remove what they’re after. Only you can set your boundaries and you’re in charge of them. (Unless it’s your work place RL then everyone can fuck right off because no one wants to be there in the first place, don’t make shit weird).
Nah, if you start tossing your kinks in my face in a public scene I’m going to object. There are places for that, it’s not most MUs.