MU Peeves Thread
eggshells 🫤
Feeling like … I can only scene with you as long as I am very polite and mindful and watch my step and am on my best behaviour. Which is a very reasonable thing to expect of anyone. But also I don’t like feeling tense like that, so if RP always feels like a first date or a job interview, I think I would rather just avoid and hang out with friends who take themselves less seriously and let me fart around.
@Kestrel said in MU Peeves Thread:
Feeling like … I can only scene with you as long as I am very polite and mindful and watch my step and am on my best behaviour.
This is death to me and any kind of interesting RP interaction. Also just…human interaction. Because when this happens it doesn’t feel like these people want courtesy or basic consideration, it feels like they want me to prioritize them at all times and edit my behavior to some moving goalpost that’ll please them and…no.
If it feels like someone is constantly on a hair trigger waiting to flip out about the smallest thing, I wish them well and get the fuck out of there. Life is too short to walk on eggshells. And as already stated, the goalposts always seem to change.
I don’t feel like playing any more and I can’t really identify why. Just waiting to see if it passes.
@Snackness I hope it does
but also taking a break is valid if you need one
Upvote for solidarity. The muses are fickle. Love playing with you but sometimes you need a hard refresh before you can find them again. -
When the brain weasels are too powerful
@Floof nooooooo weasellllllllllll
Not having enough time to finish a fucking application.
@Testament said in MU Peeves Thread:
Not having enough time to finish a fucking application.
Spending 3 weeks in chargen and realizing I just don’t have it in me (plus Ghost of Tsushima is finally hitting PC next month along with Homeworld 3, and it’s a non-zero chance I’ll be sucked into one of these).
Not really the same thing, but…
@hellfrog said in MU Peeves Thread:
the problem is absolutely players. what’s easy and fun to spin for 6 people is probably unmanageable for 20, 30, or 100. everyone wants to take down The Man! everyone has different ideas for how to do it and wants the credit
Back in the reality of the vaguely sane, people manage this unmanagable thing regularly. They use an ancient method called “taking turns.”
Admittedly it means that you or your best buddy will have to endure times when it is somebody else’s turn. This is indeed a terrible problem caused by other players existing.
And of course it’s players that create the problem of there being too many players, by showing up, often in response to an advertisement or other form of invitation. Gamerunners who accept new PCs when they have more than they can handle are not the cause at all. It’s those ‘extra’ players who keep messing shit up with their refusal to play extras, and their entitled expectations of having their PCs be significant from time to time.
Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s a joke. Except the joke about how you spend ten hours writing an awesome adventure and the PCs immediately kill the NPC guide, pawn the McGuffin and TPK each other fighting over the profit has an amusing element of truth to it, while the BMD/MSB refrain of “the problem is players” almost always comes across to me as blame shifting rubbish.
@Gashlycrumb said in MU Peeves Thread:
Back in the reality of the vaguely sane, people manage this unmanagable thing regularly. They use an ancient method called “taking turns.”
One’s milage definitely varies.
Even though this never used to be a thing, in the modern world I’m realising I basically forget that a MU* I was playing still exists if it doesn’t have a discord.
@Gashlycrumb That’s fair. But what I mean by ‘the problem is players’ is the problem is quantity of players. I love an ideal where a storyteller has consistent and balanced motivation and creativity to GM for a rotation of all the players in a game with 75 active players. Taking turns IS obviously the correct solution to my stated problem of ‘players’.
I have realised that from years of playing in WoD MUSHES, I am so conditioned to staff wanting to breathe down people’s necks about every little thing that I get incredibly anxious when I see other people RPing about something my character did—even something super innocent. It brings me out in hives that someone is about to send me a shitty job to tell me I am WRONG and BAD.
I think it is nice that games are a lot more chill these days, but I think it probably speaks volumes about the general state of WoD games that my most comfortable state is to be completely under the staff’s radar because staff on a WoD game paying close attention to what you’re doing is almost universally bad.
@Pacha I feel this so much… (incoming rant to commiserate not detract)
I try to play ‘off the radar’ i.e, ‘As little contact with staff as possible’ with the idea staff is only there for paperwork and banning. This includes being extra careful around staff alts and their packs/coterie/club/org/cults. If they make a ruling: I accept it as if I were sitting at their GM table. Arguing doesn’t serve anything but to get me on a shit list… and that’s no fun. (I don’t want to leave and lose the quality rp I’ve found in the shit show. I’m willing to put up with a lot for good writing. )
Largely on WOD games it keeps me able to rp and I’m a lot less stressed …
It’s not the best strategy (so maladaptive) on Mu* but its definitely an effective way to exist in a online gaming setting.
Unfortunately that has screwed me on non-WOD servers…
Upside for nonWOD mush: I only rely on me for rp and it has allowed me to rp with as little help from staff as possible. I can rp without touching the plot or npcs. This is nice if not effective for getting involved in plot.
Downside: I literally avoid staff and trip all over myself to make sure I’m not bothering them if i do have to interact… this includes with staff bits and npcs or even just ooc saying ‘Hi’. This makes involvment difficult and anxiety inducing. And I get the feeling that I’ve missed interacting with some pretty awesome people.
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
I have realised that from years of playing in WoD MUSHES, I am so conditioned to staff wanting to breathe down people’s necks about every little thing that I get incredibly anxious when I see other people RPing about something my character did—even something super innocent. It brings me out in hives that someone is about to send me a shitty job to tell me I am WRONG and BAD.
I think it is nice that games are a lot more chill these days, but I think it probably speaks volumes about the general state of WoD games that my most comfortable state is to be completely under the staff’s radar because staff on a WoD game paying close attention to what you’re doing is almost universally bad.
@Sillylily said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha I feel this so much… (incoming rant to commiserate not detract)
I try to play ‘off the radar’ i.e, ‘As little contact with staff as possible’ with the idea staff is only there for paperwork and banning. This includes being extra careful around staff alts and their packs/coterie/club/org/cults. If they make a ruling: I accept it as if I were sitting at their GM table. Arguing doesn’t serve anything but to get me on a shit list… and that’s no fun. (I don’t want to leave and lose the quality rp I’ve found in the shit show. I’m willing to put up with a lot for good writing. )
Largely on WOD games it keeps me able to rp and I’m a lot less stressed …
It’s not the best strategy (so maladaptive) on Mu* but its definitely an effective way to exist in a online gaming setting.
Unfortunately that has screwed me on non-WOD servers…
Upside for nonWOD mush: I only rely on me for rp and it has allowed me to rp with as little help from staff as possible. I can rp without touching the plot or npcs. This is nice if not effective for getting involved in plot.
Downside: I literally avoid staff and trip all over myself to make sure I’m not bothering them if i do have to interact… this includes with staff bits and npcs or even just ooc saying ‘Hi’. This makes involvment difficult and anxiety inducing. And I get the feeling that I’ve missed interacting with some pretty awesome people.
The fucking trauma, y’all.
I talk about this with my fellow staffers/game runners alla time. I feel like I have to do triple fucking work to unweave the trauma so that I can actually RP with and tell stories with the players who come to my game.
Like, I understand where y’all are coming from but as a staffer who tries to be as chill and open and friendly as possible… lol, it’s disheartening, especially because the few people who do engage then seem to be “favored”, but no, it’s just they aren’t actively avoiding me.
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
I have realised that from years of playing in WoD MUSHES, I am so conditioned to staff wanting to breathe down people’s necks about every little thing that I get incredibly anxious when I see other people RPing about something my character did—even something super innocent. It brings me out in hives that someone is about to send me a shitty job to tell me I am WRONG and BAD.
I think it is nice that games are a lot more chill these days, but I think it probably speaks volumes about the general state of WoD games that my most comfortable state is to be completely under the staff’s radar because staff on a WoD game paying close attention to what you’re doing is almost universally bad.
@Sillylily said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha I feel this so much… (incoming rant to commiserate not detract)
I try to play ‘off the radar’ i.e, ‘As little contact with staff as possible’ with the idea staff is only there for paperwork and banning. This includes being extra careful around staff alts and their packs/coterie/club/org/cults. If they make a ruling: I accept it as if I were sitting at their GM table. Arguing doesn’t serve anything but to get me on a shit list… and that’s no fun. (I don’t want to leave and lose the quality rp I’ve found in the shit show. I’m willing to put up with a lot for good writing. )
Largely on WOD games it keeps me able to rp and I’m a lot less stressed …
It’s not the best strategy (so maladaptive) on Mu* but its definitely an effective way to exist in a online gaming setting.
Unfortunately that has screwed me on non-WOD servers…
Upside for nonWOD mush: I only rely on me for rp and it has allowed me to rp with as little help from staff as possible. I can rp without touching the plot or npcs. This is nice if not effective for getting involved in plot.
Downside: I literally avoid staff and trip all over myself to make sure I’m not bothering them if i do have to interact… this includes with staff bits and npcs or even just ooc saying ‘Hi’. This makes involvment difficult and anxiety inducing. And I get the feeling that I’ve missed interacting with some pretty awesome people.
The fucking trauma, y’all.
Precisely. I know there are awesome people staffing and running games. I know I’m missing out but…
The tingling dread weasles are conditioned to flail at the first sight of a wizbit …
Insert a ferret freak out gif here I can’t add because I’m on a phone.
@Sillylily said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
I have realised that from years of playing in WoD MUSHES, I am so conditioned to staff wanting to breathe down people’s necks about every little thing that I get incredibly anxious when I see other people RPing about something my character did—even something super innocent. It brings me out in hives that someone is about to send me a shitty job to tell me I am WRONG and BAD.
I think it is nice that games are a lot more chill these days, but I think it probably speaks volumes about the general state of WoD games that my most comfortable state is to be completely under the staff’s radar because staff on a WoD game paying close attention to what you’re doing is almost universally bad.
@Sillylily said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha I feel this so much… (incoming rant to commiserate not detract)
I try to play ‘off the radar’ i.e, ‘As little contact with staff as possible’ with the idea staff is only there for paperwork and banning. This includes being extra careful around staff alts and their packs/coterie/club/org/cults. If they make a ruling: I accept it as if I were sitting at their GM table. Arguing doesn’t serve anything but to get me on a shit list… and that’s no fun. (I don’t want to leave and lose the quality rp I’ve found in the shit show. I’m willing to put up with a lot for good writing. )
Largely on WOD games it keeps me able to rp and I’m a lot less stressed …
It’s not the best strategy (so maladaptive) on Mu* but its definitely an effective way to exist in a online gaming setting.
Unfortunately that has screwed me on non-WOD servers…
Upside for nonWOD mush: I only rely on me for rp and it has allowed me to rp with as little help from staff as possible. I can rp without touching the plot or npcs. This is nice if not effective for getting involved in plot.
Downside: I literally avoid staff and trip all over myself to make sure I’m not bothering them if i do have to interact… this includes with staff bits and npcs or even just ooc saying ‘Hi’. This makes involvment difficult and anxiety inducing. And I get the feeling that I’ve missed interacting with some pretty awesome people.
The fucking trauma, y’all.
Precisely. I know there are awesome people staffing and running games. I know I’m missing out but…
The tingling dread weasles are conditioned to flail at the first sight of a wizbit …
Insert a ferret freak out gif here I can’t add because I’m on a phone.
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
I think it is nice that games are a lot more chill these days, but I think it probably speaks volumes about the general state of WoD games that my most comfortable state is to be completely under the staff’s radar because staff on a WoD game paying close attention to what you’re doing is almost universally bad.
This is more or less how I feel, also; I can’t think of more than one or two times in mumble years when being noticed by staff on a WoD game has led to something positive. Usually it’s at best going back to status quo ante.
So … suggestions for how could staff members behave that wouldn’t lead people to dread getting noticed by them? Other than “interact with players for reasons that aren’t taking things they enjoy away from them”?