I really appreciate all of this advice because while I really like my pulmonologist, my experience with asthma has gone undiagnosed so long and responded so positively in the short time I’ve been diagnosed that I just have, like… none of this information that people who have been dealing with it for years have.
In fact even my doctor maintains that when I was in the hospital at the start of the pandemic, I was probably having an asthma attack triggered by COVID. But no one could figure out why I was making that terrible wheezing noise every time I tried to breathe ecause it didn’t say “asthma” in my chart, so it apparently didn’t occur to anyone that was what was happening.
I did recently read something about Vitamin D supplements improving asthma symptoms if you weren’t aware of that, which makes sense to me given my situation. At the start of all of this they ran a bunch of blood tests on me to check for allergies beyond what they found with skin tests and apparently, I’m also Vitamin D deficient. And not like “your average extra pale North America white person who burns in the hellish light of the daystar” deficient. I mean, like, “We’re given you the industrial strength prescription Vitamin D pills we normally reserve for children with rickets” deficient. If your asthma isn’t well-managed, maybe it’s worth asking your doctor about?