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RE: Lords and Ladies Game Design
@Gashlycrumb said in Lords and Ladies Game Design:
The PC is supposed to be Machiavelli, but what I see is Mr. Magoo.
If I had a dollar for every instance the way someone perceived a character or the way a character is being played is wildly different from how it appears in their sheet & background, I’d be running DOGE.
Heck, I’m guilty of playing a character in a way that isn’t remotely how I’ve described them. Many many times.
It’s just a difference in perception. What one person perceives to be the actions of a genius is another person’s Johnny Bravo.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
I’m not much for L&L games, but there’s one L&L-ish game that came out recently as a TTRPG that I’m sort of interested in: Our Brilliant Ruin. It’s a post apocalyptic game set in a world where the aristocracy chose to basically ignore a calamity that poses a threat to all of existence, The Ruin. It’s a strange energy that’s slowly turned all of the world into a rusted, collapsed, monster filled wasteland, with the exception of the Dramark, the last bastion of aristocratic society. The aristocracy is perfectly fine just maintaining the status quo for the small bit of the world the Ruin hasn’t claimed yet. Players can be members of noble houses, servants to those houses, or the unbonded, who aren’t attached to the nobility in any way, but also aren’t kept safe by them.
Oh, and did I mention it’s 100% free?
RE: The Magicians
The Magicians is one of those series that I could never get into. I have nothing against it, I even own the whole trilogy (a kind Christmas gift from an old friend years ago). Everytime I pick it up to read the first one, I get about a third of the way in and just stop. It never clicked, even after my SO made me binge watch the TV series with them.
As far as magic school subgenre of stuff, there are examples of that I do enjoy. Most recently the anime / manga series Mashle. I’ve just never been able to get into the Magicians for whatever reason.
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
There is a game for that particular group:
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
I have no idea how to convert it into a MU, but I always thought a Car Wars MU would be sick.
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
@Gashlycrumb said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
Abelard builds a magical tank in his garage in less time than it takes Brigid to make a telephone call to her mentor, because Abelard’s staffer was quick and Brigid’s was away this weekend.
Having a staff that’s on the same page as far as activity and response times is so crucial in my opinion that it should always be on the mind of at least the person in charge of the whole game. I’ve been on more than a few games where spheres died because the staff assigned to them do next to nothing beyond the bare minimum, even less in some cases.
I understand that staff is completely voluntary, and RL > Game, but staff is volunteering to make the game run well, and if they’re not able to keep up with the rest of staff at a certain level of productivity, they shouldn’t be kept as staff. And if headstaff of a game can’t find anyone they trust to do the job correctly that’s also able to maintain that activity level for that sphere, maybe they shouldn’t have that sphere open.
It’s absolutely frustrating when the staffer assigned to you, or your sphere, or whatever is basically just a voicemail at capacity because they would rather play on their other PC or focus on some other staff task they’ve been assigned.
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
I think preventing the “all other spheres must die” thing is on the staff to prevent but at the same time, you can’t hold to theme for some of the WoD (especially OWoD) spheres if they’re expected to be buddy buddy because some major magical aura is preventing it. (Mostly talking about Vampire - Werewolf here.) Ultimately “a ritual long before the start of game says no” is sort of lazy in my opinion.
As far as day zones / night zones go, I prefer that people just set the time of day / night when they set the scene, and adapt to whomever they’re playing with. Day zones / night zones, again, seem lazy to me.
The families thing that TR / FC had was cool because at least you had the whole “blood is thicker than water” thing which didn’t feel as arbitrary as “ancient NPC said no”.
At least in CWoD / NWoD, the whole “kill other spheres” is replaced with “we’re wary of other spheres, but we don’t try and kill them outright as long as they stay in their lanes” (with a few exceptions, like the Cheiron Group with their whole we chop up everybody else to make ourselves better).
I think I’m done rambling now.
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
While I’m thinking about it, one thing I really dislike with multi-sphere WoD games is where there’s just an arbitrary “binding ultimate magick ritual 9000” that prevents any sort of conflict, and also permanently makes it night time in the entire grid and lets anyone go into the Umbra and all manner of nonsense.
At that point, it’s just goth supers.
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
I will also echo the either 1 or keep it limited approach.
My experiences with kitchen sink style games usually is that the splats just isolate anyway, or one splat becomes dominant in the overarching story of the game and everybody else feels ostracized. In one case over a decade ago, the game didn’t actually have enough people to realistically support a kitchen sink anyway, and ended up with roughly 2-3 characters per splat.
I would kill for a Mummy centric or friendly WoD game though. Not gonna lie.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@Roz Ahh… I wasn’t aware that Blood of Dragons and those two were related. That makes the lack of GoT / ASoIaF MUs make lots more sense now.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@Prototart So in this Sailor Moon / oWoD crossover, did the Sailor Scouts turn into different WoD Splats? Was Sailor Moon able to use her transformation to become a Brujah?
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@Raistlin said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
Game of Thrones universe
Did Blood of Dragons close? I’ve never played it myself, but I’ve heard about it many times, as recent as last November.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
All this talk about Battletech and Mech-based MUs, I’m surprised an enterprising coder hasn’t attempted to link a MU to MegaMek.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
I made a big list previously, and now there are more ideas, this time exclusively TTRPGs I want to MU-ify.
- Lancer
- Unknown Armies
- Mork Borg (or anything based on it)
- Scion 2nd Edition
- Zweihander
RE: Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
The Star Wars nerd in me is screaming at the idea that the end of Episode IX somehow indicates the Sith Empire is taking over.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
My peeve remains wanting to start a character on a game somewhere knowing full well I don’t honestly know if I have the time to play enough to avoid getting idled out.
RE: Consensus on Roster vs OC vs Mix
@Coin I was not aware of that. Definitely something to look at next time I peruse Ares games.
RE: Consensus on Roster vs OC vs Mix
I had another thought about this while eating ice cream today.
I think games with roster characters should have a way to filter the roster to show only available characters that have not been played yet. This would give some people who are unwilling to step into another person’s RP shoes a better view of what’s out there that they can just run with.
RE: RL Peeves
Wasn’t Olestra banned in like… all of Europe and most of Asia and South America?