You’d think with having to choose which city to save from a dragon attack would have more negative effect than grumbling and not healing you before otherwise business as usual.
Watching Ghilan’nain freak out at the end of Weisshaupt pretty much cemented the Saturday Morning sterilization vibes. I was seriously expecting a ‘CURSES!’. Or the like.
Harding being freaked out by Lucanis and Spite enough she looks ready to put an arrow through them at a moments notice like Williams could do to Wrex in Mass Effect. But nope, she never takes the shot. So you end up not having one party member actually doing in another for what might be the good of the team.
And if you choose Davrin to lead the second team at the end. Why did they have Assan follow him in when they could have had him pull up just short to stay with Rook on like a dying order? And choosing Harding instead apparently locks you out of getting the stinger in the crappy golden ending. It feels needless and excessively cruel there.
The moments for being tragic could really have been picked and been handled better.