@Prospero said in Neitherlands:
I’m not going to post their IP addresses, sorrynotsorry.
Thank you for this, and also, for anyone else thinking about it, please don’t. I would file that under doxing someone. It is one thing for game administrators to compare things privately when tracking suspected bad actors, but another thing entirely to post IP addresses publicly.
Which you aren’t, and have said you won’t do, so, again: thanks.
@untitled said in Neitherlands:
@Prospero said in Neitherlands:
@Nobody-0 said in Neitherlands:
… (and I would really ask that you provide some semblance of evidence about that if you actually have it because I’m always willing to admit if I’m mistaken, but every single bit of evidence I have says the contrary, and all you’ve presented is a memory of a handle changing hands several months ago)…To be fair, it’s not like you’re offering much more, but I also don’t see people beating it into the ground in a way worth a 500 word essay that still doesn’t introduce actual evidence, either.
You can’t prove a negative. You made the initial assertion, therefore the burden of proof falls to you.
@Nobody-0 said in Neitherlands:
@Tez Absolutely. Anybody publicly sharing IP addresses around is not a friend to any community of any kind. I may disagree with @Prospero over the identity of someone, but I’m glad he’s not handing IP addresses around willy-nilly.
You and I are not “disagreeing” over the identity of someone.
You asserted that someone was made a staffer of a game (to which you have not addressed your relationship in any way, despite being asked - funny how “receipts” can go both ways, and you’ve provided zero) and have been now authoritatively told that no, said person was not a staffer of that game. No staff bit was reassigned. No handle was linked and unlinked. It did not happen.
As I said. It’s possible you’ve confused an NPC named Jane with a player whose PC was named Lane and whose handle is shjade, but that’s the best I can come up with based around what you’ve said.
But in making this assertion, you are dragging two legitimately decently players through the mud and associating them with a bad actor. If you have any evidence beyond your recollection of an event that I am telling you did not happen, please post it up.
Or stop and let this one go (ideally with an apology to this two players).
Go against chookitypok all you want - they sound truly awful. But don’t drag innocent unrelated people in over a mistake. Thanks.
(To avoid adding extra words to this thread, I’m only to respond further if there are actual receipts provided at this point to back up this incorrect assertion.)
@Nobody-0 said in Neitherlands:
I was there. I saw the staff bit when it was created.
…sorry I have nothing to contribute, the tone just made me laugh.
@Wizz To go along with our meme, that’s what it feels like when someone explains what happened in the late 90’s/early 2000’s in mu*'s heydays. Let me tell you about the days of Firan…
@Pavel Alright, I’ll just say it’s a stupid argument to begin with, and that this person feeling compelled to spray all their words at the screen in defense of someone not interested in defending themselves while at the same time insisting they don’t care that much is… par for the course in these communities I guess.
Typical disappointment.
When you unlink a character from your handle, it doesn’t delete it from your handle; it just moves it to the Past Characters heading. I don’t see these two sharing any bits ever.
edit: see @Roz post below re: can have bits removed upon request.
double-edit: see here -
I think all of this is going into more RL speculation than is healthy to ANYONE. I’m pretty sure it’s /past/ obvious that I find this person to be one of the literally worst internet strangers I have ever encountered. But there is zero reason for internet strangers to be harassed in RL.
I think also trying to link them to other handles and talking IP’s also falls into that. I’m not sure it matters who this person was, all we can do anything with is whom they seem to be now. And who they are now SUCKS.
I find it telling that there was no defense of their choices, just a complaint that if it has been handed to authorities doesn’t even matter, because what are any of us going to do, other than not be assholes who take someone’s unfortunate choices and self-absorption to all new heights out into the real world?
Speculating what has or hasn’t happened to them via Guesties, and speculating who they used to be when they are actively being THIS? Waste of time, and just as inappropriate as the BS they have been - and continue to be - perpetuating.
@KarmaBum I think you can request fully removing stuff from your handle, and Faraday may or may not oblige. I know at least one instance for sure where stuff was removed.
(I have no idea what’s going on either way with these particular people, to be clear!! I can’t even keep track of the names. Just – stating in general.)
@Jenn Using multiple aliases is a known strategy employed by abusers in our hobby, and this person IS an abuser in our hobby. I watched them isolate and gaslight the fuck out of you with my own eyes. I can read.
I agree with those saying there’s not really proof that these bits were piloted by the same person, but I’m not gonna shame anyone for trying to connect the dots of past handles.
ETA: And with that, I’m setting this thread to ignore to move on with my life.
I think ‘find the bad player’ is a common want of most people. They do it with good intention, but I think we have to watch how we are being perceived and what we are perceiving too.
I have been accused of being a different person or something to my OOC bias (that I don’t really have), etc. It wasn’t anything AT ME but them trying to protect out there.
It was just said that the wrong name/person got caught up in the speculation of who was or wasn’t who. I think that’s legit too. We can find ourselves down the Wonderland hole if we go looking for it.
I think in the end, we just try to be kind even to those that might not deserve it because we are better than that. We also dust off anyone knocked down and try to find them a welcoming place.
@Jenn said in Neitherlands:
I find it telling that there was no defense of their choices
If so, then no need to keep beating a dead horse, especially if the personal attacks only end up getting you in trouble.
Literally no one has disagreed with you. But you know what they say about heroes who live long long enough to see themselves become the villain.
Take the win.
I’m great at this game! Okay, let’s vote on who we think chookitypook is, the person who gets the most votes is out of the thread and then the night cycle starts.
@Vulgar-Boy This thread definitely needs a werewolf rampage.
@Pavel Personally I accuse you, in the conservatory, with the wireless keyboard.
@Adora Man, I wish I had a conservatory.