3 Nov 2023, 15:37

I do think a lot of it comes down to trust. Ideal world. Many players occupy an unideal world where they throw fits if rolls go badly or if someone reacts poorly to them, but them aside.

I’ve played on games where character death was common (the old Greatest Generation being the example that lives largest in my mind) but it was also an accepted part of playing and the mechanisms by which it happened were fairly transparent and random. Lousy rolls killed you, in combat situations you’d opted into, in what was a PvE environment (so all the other PC soldiers were on your ‘side’).

There are GMs I wouldn’t play this level of risk with because I lack trust in them/enjoyment of what they’re doing, but in most cases I get a pretty clear vibe about this before things escalate to a point where I can’t just extricate myself from a storyline and/or quit. I tend to think I leave these situations pretty quietly when I don’t see it changing.