City of Glass - Discussion
@sao Joke’s on you. She finished.
I do look forward to doing sneaky super spy stuff when I finally can get free enough to even start a scene.
@sao said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@MisterBoring don’t worry, you’ve finished cg so you’re still ahead of Jennkryst!
Look Chargen is hard enough before you hit submit and get told ‘actually we changed the rules’
and you go
‘okay, I will adjust my character to fit the new ru-’
‘actually we changed the rules again’so it becomes easier to just… start from scratch.
This also won’t beat my record-setting Otaku stuck-in-chargen since at least 2009, on Shadowrun: Denver, so 21 days is like… nothing (but Shadowrun: Denver shenanigans is a discussion for another thread!)
@Tez @Jennkryst It was still funny and I regret nothing
@Jennkryst When we went with 18+, the idea was that it would be clear we were looking for adults, not barely legal catholic high school girls with a tempter agenda in demon.
But you’re right in that we changed the rules. So there’s that.
@Pavel Was it me? I feel like a half-dozen of those wound up being me…
Also. If it WAS me and I somehow missed getting back to it once the RL trying to eat me abated a touch, please throw me a few pokes. Trying to catch up as best as I can, but I know my brain. If something got lost in a swiss cheese memory hole, it’s all me and I don’t mean to have dropped things that weren’t picked back up again when they could be!
when players cannot be trusted to respect the spirit of “PCs must clearly be adults,” then sometimes revisions must be made
@Roz said in City of Glass - Discussion:
when players cannot be trusted to respect the spirit of “PCs must clearly be adults,” then sometimes revisions must be made
I never have issue with that because I tend to play older people as PCs. My character here is 49.
THIS! I was reminded this summer of how annoying younger characters are when their lacks of life experiences and therapy makes them do the dumbest things with the mistaken beliefs that they are immortal and the lacks of impulse control not to just do every ridiculous thing that pops into their minds. My twenty-two year old hot mess disaster reminded me why I /never/ app in anything/anyone under 30 if at all possible for themes and settings.
@MisterBoring yea I’m reaching the point where even 20s feel like babies. It’s part of my real life because I’m the goddamn baby at work at 39.
I remember rping characters turning 30 like that shit was a big deal. In a word, lmao.
Honestly I don’t even know what you’d do as a naughty schoolgirl on a grid full of grownups.
@Jenn said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Was it me? I feel like a half-dozen of those wound up being me…
We’re going to finish this omelette if it fucking kills me.
@Pavel said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Jenn said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Was it me? I feel like a half-dozen of those wound up being me…
We’re going to finish this omelette if it fucking kills me.
ROFLMAO! OOOOOOOF! Yeah. That was definitely mostly on me! But it’s SUCH a fun scene! Totally worth the waits, I hope.
@Jenn said in City of Glass - Discussion:
That was definitely mostly on me!
Pshaw, it was definitely on circumstances outside of anyone’s control. I only brought it up to illustrate the point that playing slow is a totally valid and acceptable way to conduct oneself.
@Roz said in City of Glass - Discussion:
when players cannot be trusted to respect the spirit of “PCs must clearly be adults,” then sometimes revisions must be made
Wait, what’d I miss? I was gone for like a day.
@glitch said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Jennkryst When we went with 18+, the idea was that it would be clear we were looking for adults, not barely legal catholic high school girls with a tempter agenda in demon.
Not that it matters, but I was originally going to make her a Saboteur but there were so many of them on the census, I swapped to the lowest group out of some decade-old need to keep the balance but also for the memes.
(Pre-empting the ‘there are 0 Integrators’ with they are essentially God-Machine Loyalists, and like Changeling Loyalists who work for the Keepers, are probably right-out for a game with a hard no-PVP policy)
But you’re right in that we changed the rules. So there’s that.
I’ve been pretty clear on this. You’re allowed to change the rules and policies to whatever you want. My issue is not that a rule was changed. My issue isn’t even the second, immediate follow-up rule change.
If I was told ‘actually this whole concept isn’t good for these reasons, here is a list of things to fix’… I would still probably be annoyed, because I spent over a week talking about the dumb idea on channel and nobody told me to knock it off before then, but I’d still change it (and still probably start from scratch).
My issue is I was given a specific change to make - to make her a freshman in college. And while I admittedly did not make that specific fix (took the semester off), making her a freshman in college would not have mattered, because the next rule change went to 21.
To put a more humorous spin on it, my issue is that I am lazy. I will put in the effort, but I do not want to put in more effort than is needed. If the kitchen needs sweeping, I’m going to sweep… but I’m going to wait until everyone is done making a mess, and then sweep once, I’m not going to sweep up a tiny bit every hour. And god help the person who watches me while I’m sweeping and then spills something on the floor right where I just went over.
… I lost the train of thought somewhere trying to be funny.
But yeah. ‘This character will not work for all of these reasons’ is valid. ‘This character will not work for one specific reason, please change this one thing… tricksies, it still won’t work’ is… annoying. And is the core of my argument.
@Jennkryst said in City of Glass - Discussion:
If I was told ‘actually this whole concept isn’t good for these reasons, here is a list of things to fix’… I would still probably be annoyed, because I spent over a week talking about the dumb idea on channel and nobody told me to knock it off before then, but I’d still change it (and still probably start from scratch).
We’re not always gonna be able to catch all the chatter on channel, sorry. But it already wasn’t following the stated guideline at the time, which was the PCs needed to clearly be adults.
@Jennkryst said in City of Glass - Discussion:
My issue is I was given a specific change to make - to make her a freshman in college. And while I admittedly did not make that specific fix (took the semester off), making her a freshman in college would not have mattered, because the next rule change went to 21.
Except if you had made the revision we suggested, then maybe we wouldn’t have had to revise the rules??
The rule to start was “PCs need to clearly be adults” and you apped a high schooler. When we said no, we don’t want high schoolers, make her at least a college student, you just – made no changes to age or timeline, and said she just graduated high school a semester early. That’s not the same thing, and it’s silly to act like it was a good faith revision in the spirit of what was being asked.
You’re acting like you made the revision that was asked for, and then we changed the rules so that it no longer worked. But that’s not what happened. You didn’t make the revision, and so we decided we didn’t want to even deal with this nebulous age area at all, because clearly people were gonna be weird about it.
I was actually wondering what sparked the rule change to 21+. I’m glad I read this thread!
I’m probably going to regret putting my toe into this but…can you not be a 21yo college freshman?
@Deviant said in City of Glass - Discussion:
I was actually wondering what sparked the rule change to 21+. I’m glad I read this thread!
I had initially assumed it had something to do with avoiding the ‘sneaking into bars’ thing that basically always happens on a WoD/CoD game.
@Pavel said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Deviant said in City of Glass - Discussion:
I was actually wondering what sparked the rule change to 21+. I’m glad I read this thread!
I had initially assumed it had something to do with avoiding the ‘sneaking into bars’ thing that basically always happens on a WoD/CoD game.
I think it’s less the ‘sneaking into bars’ that’s the problem and more the ‘oh my, my just-turned-eighteen (but looks fourteen) has drunk SO MUCH, she just wouldn’t be able to stop ANYONE from doing ANYTHING they want to her. Oh I HOPE no one takes ADVANTAGE of this innocent little (totally legal) girl who is just SO DRUNK that look at that, she’s unbuttoning her blouse because she’s sooooo drunk and doesn’t understand what it might make some mean, wicked, naughty man do to her…’ thing.