MU Peeves Thread
Not a peeve per se, but one of the things I do regret not really doing is engaging with the generational aspects of L&L/fantasy theme yet (in a non-kinky way, SORRY). Even though I closed out my big char on Arx with a kid to contribute to whatever imagined future for her situation, it was kinda just something I tossed in at the end cause it was on my bucket list.
Playing on Concordia did show me that it’s fun as hell to play the royal parent of young adult children* in L&L games.
*if you can manage to get relatively sane players for those characters
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
Not a peeve per se, but one of the things I do regret not really doing is engaging with the generational aspects of L&L/fantasy theme yet (in a non-kinky way, SORRY). Even though I closed out my big char on Arx with a kid to contribute to whatever imagined future for her situation, it was kinda just something I tossed in at the end cause it was on my bucket list.
Generational stuff is one of the reasons I was sad when Arx shifted from 3:1 to 2:1. Just reduced the chances of exploring it. (Plus there were always people who insisted on loudly declaring they never wanted staff to turn on auto-aging because they wanted to play an unaging 20-year-old forever.)
@Roz said in MU Peeves Thread:
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
Not a peeve per se, but one of the things I do regret not really doing is engaging with the generational aspects of L&L/fantasy theme yet (in a non-kinky way, SORRY). Even though I closed out my big char on Arx with a kid to contribute to whatever imagined future for her situation, it was kinda just something I tossed in at the end cause it was on my bucket list.
Generational stuff is one of the reasons I was sad when Arx shifted from 3:1 to 2:1. Just reduced the chances of exploring it. (Plus there were always people who insisted on loudly declaring they never wanted staff to turn on auto-aging because they wanted to play an unaging 20-year-old forever.)
It’s me, I want to play the forever-20-year-old, with a body that isn’t randomly falling apart from too much marching band.
@Jennkryst said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Roz said in MU Peeves Thread:
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
Not a peeve per se, but one of the things I do regret not really doing is engaging with the generational aspects of L&L/fantasy theme yet (in a non-kinky way, SORRY). Even though I closed out my big char on Arx with a kid to contribute to whatever imagined future for her situation, it was kinda just something I tossed in at the end cause it was on my bucket list.
Generational stuff is one of the reasons I was sad when Arx shifted from 3:1 to 2:1. Just reduced the chances of exploring it. (Plus there were always people who insisted on loudly declaring they never wanted staff to turn on auto-aging because they wanted to play an unaging 20-year-old forever.)
It’s me, I want to play the forever-20-year-old, with a body that isn’t randomly falling apart from too much marching band.
Cool, then don’t play on games in which legacy and generational inheritance are core features of the lore.
Finding sane players for your descendants has got to be gaming on hard mode. I shudder to think about it.
The only good thing about auto-aging not being a thing on Arx was staffers singing happy birthday when I remembered to age my character up.
@Juniper excuse me, I said relatively sane
I guess 80% sane is fine
@Jennkryst said in MU Peeves Thread:
It’s me, I want to play the forever-20-year-old, with a body that isn’t randomly falling apart from too much marching band.
jubilee can’t rollerblade anymore bc her knees are bad
@Jennkryst There’s also just the Altered Carbon RPG, Traveller (well, certain Traveller settings), and Hellas: Worlds of Sun & Stone.
@Prototart said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Jennkryst said in MU Peeves Thread:
It’s me, I want to play the forever-20-year-old, with a body that isn’t randomly falling apart from too much marching band.
jubilee can’t rollerblade anymore bc her knees are bad
Jubilee probably misses being a vampire just a little for precisely that.
Jubilee doesn’t do shit except idle in her room and TS Noriko and complain about things involving the X-Men happening and then justifying why she can’t go to these events.
Heroes Assemble is such a stupid fucking game where half the cool characters should be set open because their players are useless.
When your PC has a unique ability that helps out with the current major, year-long plot, this is what’s known as an RP hook. People who have their characters ask yours to use their ability are trying to include you in things.
But, by all means, continue to complain on channel about how nobody wants to play with you (and maybe you’re just a bad writer who should pick another hobby) and are just using your PC for their ability, all the while having said PC sit by themselves, speak in a language most other characters don’t know, and be passive aggressive whenever anyone with IC rank tries to be friendly.
@Rusalka said in MU Peeves Thread:
When your PC has a unique ability that helps out with the current major, year-long plot, this is what’s known as an RP hook. People who have their characters ask yours to use their ability are trying to include you in things.
But, by all means, continue to complain on channel about how nobody wants to play with you (and maybe you’re just a bad writer who should pick another hobby) and are just using your PC for their ability, all the while having said PC sit by themselves, speak in a language most other characters don’t know, and be passive aggressive whenever anyone with IC rank tries to be friendly.
For some reason this gave me the mental image of a fuming Klingon sitting in the shadowy corner of a medieval tavern. I don’t know why Klingon specifically, but Klingon.
@kalakh said in MU Peeves Thread:
For some reason this gave me the mental image of a fuming Klingon sitting in the shadowy corner of a medieval tavern. I don’t know why Klingon specifically, but Klingon.
No call, no shows to stuff. RL comes first, but your GM or RP partner is also a real person.
@Rusalka This reminds me of a LARP I attended where one character was mute, only spoke through texting people or by drawing / writing messages on his iPad, and was constantly trying to make a connection with a faction that were all luddites to the last person and refused to even let the character come near. At the end of the LARP a lot of people went to dinner at the same place and I overheard them talking about how they felt like they had wasted their money because they didn’t get the RP they were looking for.
@tsar said in MU Peeves Thread:
No call, no shows to stuff. RL comes first, but your GM or RP partner is also a real person.
There is a certain degree of lateness for online that I will ignore or not worry about too much whether I’m the one waiting or the one running late, but like…
In the last few months, I’ve sat around waiting for an hour while trying to figure out if the event scheduler hadn’t adjusted for the time change or if people just weren’t showing up to scenes they asked me to run for them. Or waiting for them to come to their own events, where a half dozen people were like, “Are they coming? Is this moved?” and then the player didn’t even acknowledge they’d blown people off.
@tsar God yes.
There was a GM who would stand me up and then reschedule the next week. Stand me up. Reschedule. Ad nauseum. Each time involved me waiting about for hours because, well, people are late sometimes. Things happen.
Having survived some serious abuse that was smothered in gaslighting, I take notes when people appear to be trying to tell me my memory is wrong. And I like logs. So, I was easily able to calculate that on average, GM would stand me up six times per time they actually showed. If snarling and giving immediate but unscheduled attention when I eventually developed a ‘tone’ in requesting to reschedule again counts as keeping an appointment.
I was the one accused of not understanding that other people have lives, denounced as a jobless basement-dweller who does nothing but MU, and castigated because expecting somebody with ADHD to keep an appointment is ableist bigotry.
Sometimes you’re going to miss scheduled MU events. Sometimes you’re gonna be late. Things happen, and MU events are low-priority in the scheme of things. But for fuck’s sake, don’t make a habit of it, and apologise when it happens. And if the reason was that you didn’t feel like it, LIE. And if you don’t feel like showing up for a scheduled thing you agreed to be there for, but do feel like RPing snugglebunnies with your bestie, it’s probably tough fucking luck. Maybe you can beg off, but at least show some fucking humility about it. The expectation that people will be just fine with it if you show up late for scheduled RP and then say, “Naw, I’m not going to do that tonight,” and go to RP playing dabo at Quark’s is damned overbearing.
Edited to add: @Aria, really when it’s not a chronic issue I find these kinds of things vaguely funny, in a ‘whaddaya gonna do?’ kind of way. Quite recently I scheduled an event where I weighted a certain player’s convenience above others because that player almost never gets to attend group stuff. So of course everybody showed up but that player. Who apologised later and we all shook our fists at life.
Edited again for typos.
@Aria Yeah, same. In general I don’t even really mind when people don’t show up without any warning, it’s kind of whatever. Shit happens. I’ve just noticed it happening more often lately and with the addition of not reaching out before or after. Just sort of EH behavior in general.