Final Fantasy XIV
@Rucket you should play the critically acclaimed ffxiv with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of a realm reborn and the award winning heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime. so i’m told
I play Rory Ejinn on Zalera.
oh right. i play Synn Ransom on Leviathan. instead of my lodestone i linked my eorzea collection because i want/need attention, #gposerlife
I am Diarae Stormwheel on Leviathan but I can’t go link my shit because I’m trying to do work. It was important that I identify myself ASAp tho.
(My discord icon is Diarae being confused about directions. Because I can’t navigate my way out of a paper bag.)
@Alzie Thanks! Really enjoyed that one too.
I don’t play anymore, but I logged out for the last time looking my best.
@KarmaBum yep, this seems about right
So I want to hear everyone’s opinions on the PVP rework for 6.1!
Assorted thoughts, mostly about the healers:
- White Mages are still too good. Their kit has no flaws and their limit break feels way too strong.
- Scholar can’t keep people alive. They seem to be more about buffing/debuffing than healing. Adloquium is only an “8k” heal (“10k” with Recitation) which does not compete much with Cure II or Cure III splashing heals everywhere. Their kit is interesting but does not feel as powerful as White Mages. For example, Mummification seems like it should really target healing and be -50% healing received, so you can’t still Recuperate your way out of a fight. Seraph feels like she needs to be stronger, such as Seraph Flight basically being a mass debuff cure + debuff immunity while it’s active, and the Excogitation effect being a stronger heal (it’s only 8k! White Mage Temperance heals significantly more!)
- Astrologian’s limit break feels weak and seems like it should be 50% ticking down, rather than 30%. Their kit seems fine, primarily due to Double Cast letting you double down (teehee) on what it is you’re trying to do.
- Sage’s healing feels lackluster, because it’s completely dependent upon Kardia. If you have Kardia on the wrong person, you’re not helping them. And changing it midfight doesn’t feel as simple as it sounds. Their limit break is really creative though, if you ask me.
I have honestly never participated in PVP on XIV, so I wouldn’t have known there was a rework until you mentioned it.
I have regretted not doing PVP in the past because I do really want that sweet sweet Garo gear.
I think the same gear can be bought with MGP? I think?
Yep. You can get a version of it with MGP, but the MGP version doesn’t allow it to be dyed if you want that.
The mounts however, require PVP victories.
Personally I PVPed for the first time shortly before the change so I’m super annoyed that now if I’m going to get over myself enough to PVP I’m going to have to understand it for the first time all over again. I’ll get over it eventually but not until I finish Endwalker, which at my current video gaming pace will be in about eight months.
I’m also not currently playing. But when I do…I play something. Somewhere.
I should play or stop paying for this damn thing every month.
Khral Ndai on Crystal Goblin, IIRC.
I don’t play much, but I am around occasionally.
I’m Suren Khagoro on Crystal Malboro. I mostly just do roulettes with a friend.
Tez Rhel, Leviathan.
(The first is my housemate; the second is; the last is
i cleared uwu tonight and i’m pretty happy