@Dreampipe If it makes you feel any better, I once had to have a very awkward conversation with a friend of mine who has blonde hair, blue eyes, and majored in German about why getting a German eagle tattoo would be a REALLY BAD IDEA.
He is incredibly sweet, super progressive, and just a great big nerd that wanted to celebrate a thing he was excited about from history! And his family! And his time living there! And all the castles he saw while stationed overseas!
But I really just had to be like, “Honey. Baby. Sweetheart. No. Noooooooooooo. NO. You are the Aryan poster boy and no matter what you think that tattoo is about, everybody’s gonna take one look at you…”
(To his credit, this was about a decade ago when neo-Nazis were definitely a thing, but not nearly as open and as public as they are now. So I can see how in his innocent, privileged obliviousness, it honestly might not occur to him that people would take it that way.)
@Aria I am the essential Aryan poster child. I’m so brilliantly white that I could have come with a swastika stamp on my baby butt. I’m Danish, granted, rather than German – but, I mean, they were pretty keen on the Nordic type. I’m so Danishly inbred that all ancestors except ONE great-grandfather, back to the 1600s are ALL from the same two, neighbouring villages.
I used to have a party back in the 90s and 00s, explaining to online neonazis just how delightful it is to be their wet dream and suffer from no less than five different disabilities and chronic diseases.
It’s unfortunate. I can’t speak to my state of mind at the time of my remark. I was busy. The quorum determined that I was not deliberately trying to get banned, which I’m inclined to agree with. I don’t think I’m known for mincing my words and “unhinged” remains the correct word. I won’t bring up what current events were happening at the time because this forum is not for political discourse, but suffice to say the majority of us were feeling our most, Gany included.
Gany has been a staple in the hobby whom I’ve always had respect for, even if I don’t think we have ever engaged with one another substantially. It’s a respect that lingers despite all evidence to suggest it should not. I genuinely believed throughout much of this that there would be an about-face and clarity would prevail. Don’t get me wrong, if I cared to speak on the matter Derp would get some descriptors, but the #1 asshole trophy doesn’t go to him. He wasn’t the unhinged person in charge. And that. Is a personal attack.
As someone who is super into history, Norse mythology, Crusader Kings, punk rock, and RPGs, the amount of time I have to spend squinting at people with common interests and going “Okay, but are you a fucking Nazi?” is both alarming and exhausting.
god, for real
except Crusader Kings, that game sucks
Does this forum have spoiler tags? I want to whine without ruining anyone’s day who’s moved on from this stupidity.
@Apos The bar is literally just on the ground and they still manage to trip over it.
@Tez Thanks.
@GF I think you’re safe to assume that anyone still reading this thread hasn’t moved on.
Does this forum have spoiler tags? I want to whine without ruining anyone’s day who’s moved on from this stupidity.
All the spoiler tag plugins are broken.
Oh, good. I tried to investigate that a while ago but couldn’t get it to work and thought I was just too dumb.
@hellfrog bring back downvotes
@Meg I’m sorry the truth hurts you
@hellfrog yeah well WHO HAS ALL THE UPVOTES.
that is clearly the only way to determine the truth in any situation!!
resists urge to try and give @Meg 200 upvotes