I haven’t really had a stake in all of this, and mostly I’ve been following along for the hot goss, but this is the thing that’s so wild to me. This specific behavior of “you aren’t allowed to call Ghost a bully, but Ghost can call you a bully” truly boggles the mind.
In any case, if people just stop posting about this on MSB, it’ll probably slowly die off. Ghost and Derp will just quietly seethe and read this forum until someone tries to spark some kind of discussion they think is really, actually quite clever, or until Ghost can’t stand screaming into the void by themselves and rehashes this with some disingenuous post about toxicity or positivity.
In any case, if people just stop posting about this on MSB, it’ll probably slowly die off. Ghost and Derp will just quietly seethe and read this forum until someone tries to spark some kind of discussion they think is really, actually quite clever, or until Ghost can’t stand screaming into the void by themselves and rehashes this with some disingenuous post about toxicity or positivity.
That’s what I brought up, uh… somewhere. It will quiet down, as all threads do, and weirdly, the whole MSB will go like. Two days with 0 posts anywhere.
Then Ghost or Derp or Hella will kick up a fuss on the thread again and life to the whole of MSB will return for a few more shouting match filled days. -
derp, this thread’s anger summed up in two words:
we are not a community.
We were.
@shit-piss-love said in Bannings:
I’m not gonna say y’all over here are nice,
frankly, neither will we.
@Kestrel this is exactly the gif i was thinking of, ty for posting it.
Living well is the best revenge.
The funny thing is that the ‘irrefutable evidence’ I was referring to was regarding the guy’s identity. As for what he did, I believe victims, so there is no way in hell Derp is ever going to understand how that works.
@Aria To be clear, I like political and military history (I even really like studying WW2 weapons, tactics, and officers, which means that I have several shelves about Wehrmacht officers and equipment), I enjoy Norse mythology (but am not obsessed), I love RPGs, and I spend way too much time playing Crusader Kings. I like Star Wars and think that the Empire has awesome designs. I am also not a Nazi.
@RightMeow said in Bannings:
I tried to not walk away from either board (obviously that changed today).
That was me too. And then shortly after I suggested that the best way to repair the hobby was to remove the missing stairs, or remove yourself from places that refused to remove the missing stairs, several of those missing stairs reminded me of how welcome they are there. So I removed myself.
@Roadspike said in Bannings:
… the Empire has awesome designs.
I, too, lament the association of fascism with that sweet, sweet aesthetic. But also let’s go Star Wars game so we can properly punch some space nazis… preferably with suitably gay rainbow dice.
There are actually a fuckton of literal fascists in this hobby;
There are fascists in a lot of places, alas. Fascists in gaming is an interesting area people are working on, but the far right were early adopters of online spaces (including back in the BBS days). Their methods will only ever get a small percentage of the population, but if you have so many people you can access, you can get to a much greater proportion of that small number and…well.
As someone who is super into history, Norse mythology, Crusader Kings, punk rock, and RPGs, the amount of time I have to spend squinting at people with common interests and going “Okay, but are you a fucking Nazi?” is both alarming and exhausting.
You mean that time when we spent like 20 mins trying to work out if the flag in the background of someone’s 480p stream was a Nordic Cross? Also if their love of Odin was because they thought Odin was rad, or they were a spiritual Nazi? At least they’ve stopped talking to me.
Oh or that person who asked if anyone ever wondered what it was like to be a soldier on the Eastern Front of Operation Barbosa.
edit - oh no I did that thing where you reply to a conversation 14 hours ago but didn’t refresh the page or scroll down so assumed nothing else.
@Whisky While I am not a believer (in any faith), let me assure you that Scandinavia is full of people with a historical interest and Asatru people who are royally pissed at how the alt-right pretty much yanked their cultural heritage and beliefs out under their feet and co-opted their imagery into neonazism.
It’s unusual to hear the term ‘cultural appropriation’ applied to Europeans (unless they’re the ones doing it) but in this case it is appropriate. (And, I suppose, it is still people of European descent at least, doing it).
Edit: An effective way to find out whether you’re dealing with a history/culture person or a nazi is usually to bring up the issue of whether there were people of colour in Europe at the time. The purist hailers will promptly insist that black people weren’t invented until the 1700s.
@L-B-Heuschkel They were from Alaska. But yeah, the alt-right yanking it and using the iconography and language as a dog whistle is ugh. Sometimes it is hard to work out how many dog whistles are coincidences, or they are straight up a nazi.
@Whisky Not going to lie – I’m not being entirely fair here but if it’s somebody on the American continents? I’m going to default to Nazi rather than history nerd.
After all, they can prove me wrong. But if they’re making sure to display a Reichskreuz on their video feed – that’s not a dog whistle, that’s standing on your porch yelling for Old Yeller so loud that every dog in movie history comes running.
@Jennkryst said in Bannings:
@Kestrel Soviet invasion, but the United States still claim the victory was their own.
So the Space Race, just with internet forums and endless lewds (to which my invitation is sure to arrive any day now)?
I was going for WWII, but sure.
@Roadspike I do appreciate the clarification, but also want to let you know that my “Okay, buuuuuuuut…” squinting gif was absolutely meant to be a funny commentary on how frustratingly necessary that is in the aforementioned hobbies and not at all an accusation. I’m in fact vaguely mortified if it came across as me suggesting I think that of you and deeply apologize.
@Whisky Yes. Yes, I do remember. I was actually thinking of that as I was posting about CK3 in particular, in a “JFC, we spent way too much time eyeballing that dude and trying to figure out if the thing he had hanging up was, in fact, a Nazi symbol we weren’t familiar with or if it was something that looked cool and he was just weird and awkward in that way many gamer nerds are weird and awkward.”
@L-B-Heuschkel The people who have co-opted Norse mythology and Asatru are on the list of folks I will gleefully troll with a heaping pile of “Well, actually…”-ing.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh, you’re into Thor? Let’s talk about the story where he dresses up as a pretty pretty lady in a pretty pretty dress and gets married, and how funny it is when Loki is trying to explain the bride’s eating habits. Hee!”
“Hey, what about that time that Loki turned into a horse? A girl horse, I mean. And then girl-horse-Loki got knocked up. Odin has Sleipnir’s fantastical speed because Loki was his mommy. Awwww.”
“Man, everyone talks about Valhalla, but Folkvangr sounds like a way better deal to me. What? You don’t know what Folkvangr is? So actually, Freya received half of the valorous dead and actually had first pick of the half she received, and they got to go spend the afterlife hanging out in a field with the goddess of love and beauty sex, which I bet is a pretty awesome party. It was the ones who were left that went to Valhalla.”
“Ahh, yes. The All-Father, Odin One-Eye. The knowledge and power that he gained by giving up that eye was actually seiðr and while both sexes do engage in it at varying points in the historical record, it was largely considered to be a feminine trait and a feminine practice, with the men who practiced it very much breaking a taboo. So what’s so interesting about Odin is the very thing that made him so wise and powerful was the blending of the masculine and the feminine in a single entity and…”
…then sit back and watch their faces turn red and their heads explode.
I’m interested in more from this genre. What happened to MSB? Wrong answers only.
It’s pretty hard to top @Meg’s solve. YOU GOT ME. But.
My theory is that MSB was never real. It was a poorly designed and implemented AI chatbot. None of these posts are real. We are all glitching algorithms trapped in a recursive loop.
This is the metaplot of at least 6 MUSHes.
derp, this thread’s anger summed up in two words:
we are not a community.
We were.
Not to dismiss that anger at all, but just to speak for myself, I always considered complete and utter dipshits like Derp and Ghost to be the narcissistic and annoying outliers in an otherwise pretty decent and engaging group of people that they just happened to desperately seek to belong to. To be frank everyone who kept me coming back to the boards for five years or whatever are more or less here now.
Y’all didn’t lose the community, you lost a website and a few bad apples. Personally that’s just one big ¯_(ツ)_/¯ to me, even if it was one of the shittier ways it could have happened.
I am bummed Gany made the decisions she made, that’s certainly disappointing from someone I have had a lot of respect for, but hopefully she sees the light someday. As for the other pigs wallowing in the mud back there…I mean, nothing of value was lost imho and I always figured they were bound to drop off under the weight of their own toxicity eventually.
Hope you all can find some healing in getting away from all that.
@Wizz To jump on this, I agree. And like Wizz, the people I actually would rather interact with(even the ones I don’t always agree with)are already here, so there was nothing lost.
We can look at this from perspective of ‘something that was lost’, but anything really lost? And if there was, was there anything worth mourning over? To be frank, I don’t believe that whatever was lost isn’t worth the emotional spenditure involved.
The community has simply evolved, and to me, that is one of the universal constants. Nothing is static, nothing stays the way it’s always been, it is always changing. I believe the format here has taken the changes needed in stride, taking the best parts of what we like so much about this community while at the same changing to accommodate with the times. To me, this seems more like distillation of what’s good about it, as opposed to what we perceive was ‘everything that could have of been and left behind’.
Does that mean we’re better? I think that’s a subjective question and I don’t want give myself an over-inflated feeling of self-importance. What I do think is that keep to the spirit of what brought us here in the first place, while not feeling like everything needs to be placed through this artificially created ‘niceness’ filter. That’s already done naturally because, by and large, the majority of people here already respect each other as human beings, without the fear of feeling like we need to subjected to draconian rules to keep the masses under control.
To put a sickening sweet point to this. It’s not the forum that makes the community, it’s the community that makes the forum.
What the hell happened I am so confused