Good things in Mushing
When someone writes an either really funny or really flattering rel on your character. And even throws in a song to boot. Or when you write one on someone else’s character and they message you about it.
It’s those little things makes me slightly squishy. Like I’m just going to take this and hide in my goblin hole and cherish it.
@KarmaBum said in Good things in Mushing:
When my Google history is once again filled with “what happens if you inject someone with [stuff],” it’s a sure sign I’m entertained by a M*.
I have this problem with Youtube. I use incognito windows for so many things on Youtube or my recommendations are ruined.
@Polk the shit google thinks of me because of things I’ve researched for MU*ing…
@Testament said in Good things in Mushing:
When someone writes an either really funny or really flattering rel on your character. And even throws in a song to boot. Or when you write one on someone else’s character and they message you about it.
It’s those little things makes me slightly squishy. Like I’m just going to take this and hide in my goblin hole and cherish it.
omg I get this so much, sometimes stuff like that makes me so happy and exhilarated that I don’t even know how to respond for a while, just go off and be blushy and smiley about it. im a dork
The people on LA are super fucking generous about making character art and deserve a shout-out. The only person whose BMD handle I know for sure is @ratatat, and they’ve been incredibly nice about using all their free image-processing credits on other people’s characters.
Not using a PB can make finding character icons difficult, so it’s really cool to see folks making it easy to reach outside that face-claim comfort zone.
@KarmaBum I mean, shout out to LA in general since I have not seen a mush who’s playerbase has been so willing to intermingle with each other in regards to tying everyone’s backstory together in some fashion, be it large or small.
Off the top of my head I can think of five or six different connections with various players for my character and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many players in one place be so open towards working together.
It makes my black, bitter heart all soft and fuzzy.
I just had what was probably the best RP experience I’ve had in more than a year, with someone I’m pretty sure I don’t already know, and who also seems nice and interesting.
Someone please get the smelling salts, because I’m prolly gonna faint.
When you find an image that is just so much your character’s aesthetic/concept/whatever.
It’s magic, and I love it so much.
When you presume to godmode/metapose certain assumptions about another player’s character … and they don’t mind at all. They roll with it and make it canon. You just have that kind of energy going between you. A ‘yes and’ permissiveness.
I’d almost never attempt it with a total stranger, but I love the friends I’m in sync enough with to pull it off.
Truly, this. One of the single biggest pleasures of this genre of collaborative storytelling are those who you can riff with and have it come out super interesting. And if it doesn’t, the communication to be like, ‘Eh, let’s roll that one back’, and have them also be cool with that.
It does take immense trust. I hope I never lose it with those I have it with, as I wouldn’t trade it.
When a trans player feels safe apping a trans character on your game.
@Bessarion OMGGGGGG yes! happy for you and them
When you’re quiet about hopping from STing back to playing, because you don’t want it to get weird. Everyone figures you out right way but PLAYS ALONG, treats you as a player, and everything is happy.
Being 50+ scenes in and not one of them has been a throwaway. I know the record’s gotta snap eventually, but so far… Even what starts out as just a little bit of fluff amid the HARD CORE BLADE RUNNER SHIT looks to bear some sort of fruit.
@KarmaBum It’s true! I’ve only had a couple of scenes, but even the ones which start off innocuously end up with me in trouble.
Not new to MUSH, but new to this site. So figured I’d start with a positive!
When you think you’re just logging onto a new game because it sounds fun and then over a year later you feel like you’ve always been there. The fact you’ve found friends who, even though you’ve never met face to face, help you feel better on your down days and celebrate with you on your high days. When you check on each other because you both know the other values you as a person/friend before a character/scene.
Glad to be here. Hope to meet new friends and continue interacting with current ones! waves
@SockMonkey Welcome aboard! You’re the new, new mu*er.
@KarmaBum said in Good things in Mushing:
Being 50+ scenes in and not one of them has been a throwaway. I know the record’s gotta snap eventually, but so far… Even what starts out as just a little bit of fluff amid the HARD CORE BLADE RUNNER SHIT looks to bear some sort of fruit.
The players there were great, but my staff interaction was not so hot, so I bowed out before I got too far into it, but I’m glad there are still places that lots of people really enjoy. There doesn’t seem to be too many of those these days. Need to hold on to the few left.
I have had a full fantastic day of solid RP, like just wall to wall super enjoyable character development and relationship building and it’s not even over yet.
I honestly thought that kind of gaming experience was gone for me and I’m so glad it’s not.
I love being text ambushed. More.