MU Peeves Thread
When you’ve been talking with someone for forty minutes asking them questions trying to get them to tell you what kind of scene they want, and you realize they never asked you what kind of scene you want.
When as a game runner you constantly tell people to tell you if they need help getting into the game, when you run events, when you reach out when you see players starting to idle to see if anything can be done, and they ignore that message entirely…
…and then the second they get frozen/rostered they say ‘oh well no one approached me for RP so I idled’.
The fucking nerve, yo.
@GF Awww. That sucks. I’m a firm believer in finding middle ground and all the people involved sometimes doing what one of the others enjoy. I’m a non-combat type, mainly, but I have a friend who does likes combat stuff. He knows I will likely not have the most fun with doing combat but I will if he wants a scene of it. He similarly does scenes of social or what have you that I prefer. Most of the time we try to do scenes we both enjoy, even if it is not our ‘favorite in the world’ because it is important to both of us to have fun. I /try/ to be like that with everyone I RP with. I make no promises of being successful at it. It is even harder for their side since I’m always ‘I’m game for whatever.’ and am never specific about what I want to do. I do say I am not really into combat stuff, though.
Self MU Peeve –
When you use to RP with someone (or someones) and would talk OOC in pages, etc. Then they suddenly stopped talking with you or RPing with you. Also you got busy with RL. Then you are sure they must hate you now and that’s why they never reach out. Then you think maybe you accidentally offended them and they don’t want you to reach out either. So you don’t reach out because you want to respect them and if you made them uncomfortable/they hate you - you don’t want to intensify those feelings by reaching out or accidentally causing them grief. — But you do really miss RPing with them and talking to them, but you don’t know what you did or want to reach out and ---- it’s an endless cycle. I realize it’s probably in my head, but here we are.
As always, remember life is rough so in a world you can be anything - be kind.
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
When as a game runner you constantly tell people to tell you if they need help getting into the game, when you run events, when you reach out when you see players starting to idle to see if anything can be done, and they ignore that message entirely…
…and then the second they get frozen/rostered they say ‘oh well no one approached me for RP so I idled’.
The fucking nerve, yo.
I was literally just talking about this. I put a poll today, as I usually do every couple of months, looking for feedback. One comment was about how they couldn’t get involved because they felt like they didn’t really know how or what was going on, so they never actually RP’d. Which I consider to be a decently valid concern, even if I pointedly don’t make anyone sign names on the poll because I understand people feel more willing to give commentary when anonymity is offered. So I can’t reach out to this person even if I wanted to.
Now, to their credit, I have tried to make more posts about what plots are happening, story synopsis of what’s happed recently, and if you have any questions or are having trouble, reach out to me or another of staff.
But I also can’t help if no one talks to me that they’re struggling. I feel bad about that. And it sucks that I can’t try to fix it. So to the player who offered that feedback; thank you. If you’re out there and you’re reading this, please come talk to me. I’ll help how I can.
Ultimately players need to put themselves out there and Be The Change They Want To See
Nothing doing? Run something. People will probably turn up. If they don’t, you’ve found a threshold for what the community enjoys and you can decide whether it’s the community for you or not.
@RightMeow Awww. I am the same way. I get in my head that paging most people for RP or to chat is me being invasive. So, I ask maybe once or twice on channel and if I get no response I go back to prodding at the few people I know don’t care if I talk to them about nothing.
@Testament said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
When as a game runner you constantly tell people to tell you if they need help getting into the game, when you run events, when you reach out when you see players starting to idle to see if anything can be done, and they ignore that message entirely…
…and then the second they get frozen/rostered they say ‘oh well no one approached me for RP so I idled’.
The fucking nerve, yo.
I was literally just talking about this. I put a poll today, as I usually do every couple of months, looking for feedback. One comment was about how they couldn’t get involved because they felt like they didn’t really know how or what was going on, so they never actually RP’d. Which I consider to be a decently valid concern, even if I pointedly don’t make anyone sign names on the poll because I understand people feel more willing to give commentary when anonymity is offered. So I can’t reach out to this person even if I wanted to.
Now, to their credit, I have tried to make more posts about what plots are happening, story synopsis of what’s happed recently, and if you have any questions or are having trouble, reach out to me or another of staff.
But I also can’t help if no one talks to me that they’re struggling. I feel bad about that. And it sucks that I can’t try to fix it. So to the player who offered that feedback; thank you. If you’re out there and you’re reading this, please come talk to me. I’ll help how I can.
Yeah. I don’t know. I’ve been known to sit around on a game and not get any RP, too, but that’s… me? Like, I don’t expect people to come to me, especially if I’m not coming to them first.
Some of my favorite people to RP with (in spite of all the love I try to show them!) have a low opinion of their own RP-ability and RP-worthiness, and sometimes when I don’t hear from them, I think it’s me, while they’re over there thinking it’s them.
I must constantly remind myself to be proactive and fling myself at folks. Getting a ‘no thanks’ actually doesn’t sting much at all, but the total silence can be daunting.
Maybe not a peeve, but definitely a thing that goes in this thread.
@Pax Same. I’ve been in a nice juicy ‘I must really suck for some reason, no one wants to play with me’ spiral for a couple of years now going on that logic.
The one thing I learned from being a gamerunner is that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it RP.
And @Snackness you are great and I
you, just wanted to say that out loud. (@Pax we don’t play anywhere together but have in the past and YOU ARE GREAT TOO!)
Finding out Shattered is set in an AU of my (metaphorical) back yard, and sounds exactly like the kind of game I like-- but apps are full.
Guess I’ll just hit refresh forever!
(Not a serious peeve. Knowing your limit and staying within it is a beautiful thing. This is just the ‘awwww maaaan’ type of peeve. <3)
@RightMeow Just on the off chance that that was me – come finish our scene.
I took like two months off playing last fall and, when I came back, it was with this mentality: Being nervous is sort of selfish sometimes.
Everyone is waiting to be asked to play. Everyone is convinced they’re the worst.
All of us.
Ask someone to play today.
See what happens.
@L-B-Heuschkel a game being listed on arescentral is irrelevant if it closes chargen two days after opening. I’m not sitting around refreshing arescentral every day.
@devu I was going to give it a look as well and maybe spend some time playing instead of running. It was suggested to me as a way to not burn myself out plotrunning to actually play somewhere.
@devu not even close to the same theme and probably about as far different as possible but I also cut my teeth in Pern and am having a v good time on LA 2043.
Responsive staff. Lots of people eager to make hooks AND ACTUALLY PLAY THEM (not just make them up and never RP).
@KarmaBum That game theme looked REALLY cool. I’m glad to hear good things about it.
@farfalla Can’t argue with that. It doesn’t seem to be the norm for Ares games, though.
@KarmaBum I’ll take a look at it. Been a long time since I crossed a good scifi game. Or Cyberpunk as the case might be.