MU Peeves Thread
@Wizz That’s me with the assessment I’ve got due tomorrow. >_>
@KarmaBum said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Arkandel said in MU Peeves Thread:
What is the actual issue? I.e. how is it abused?
Ares allows you to set a scene Private. It still shows up on the list of scenes with a high-level overview of who is in the scene (roughly the same info you could glean from +where).
Random sample from Keys:
Click on that as a non-member of the scene, and you will get a notice saying the scene is private and you need an invitation to join it.
Private scenes are the “normal” way to RP in Ares. Go to Network right now, and there are 44 scenes, 43 are private, 35ish of them are 1+1. And this is pretty standard. Elseverse has 6 scenes, all 6 private; Keys has 52 scenes, 48 of them are private.
So it’s not being abused. It’s not even really an issue.
It is…
wait for it
…just a peeve.
Ares has evolved its own culture, and it can be a shock to run into it!
@KarmaBum said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Arkandel said in MU Peeves Thread:
What is the actual issue? I.e. how is it abused?
Ares allows you to set a scene Private. It still shows up on the list of scenes with a high-level overview of who is in the scene (roughly the same info you could glean from +where).
Random sample from Keys:
Click on that as a non-member of the scene, and you will get a notice saying the scene is private and you need an invitation to join it.
Private scenes are the “normal” way to RP in Ares. Go to Network right now, and there are 44 scenes, 43 are private, 35ish of them are 1+1. And this is pretty standard. Elseverse has 6 scenes, all 6 private; Keys has 52 scenes, 48 of them are private.
So it’s not being abused. It’s not even really an issue.
It is…
wait for it
…just a peeve.
I’m confused how it could even be construed as being abused? I guess it goes back to the old argument about how people get rp. If you don’t like harvesting rp by asking people on Chan, most area games aren’t going to work out for you. It’s not really abusive, it’s just as you said…
A peeve
I’m comfortable making roster pcs my own honestly so I wouldn’t in theory mind taking on a comic character and might actually prefer it bc I could read up on it.
However I wouldn’t play on one of those games. Because as many times as I have had my ass chewed up in an unfun way (and incorrect too!) about stupid shit like titles on Arx, WoD OMG U PLAY IT RONG!!!, Well MY 3 PhDs in ancient history tell me that you are totally incorrect in how you are playing your Fading Suns noble PC, hi I’m a 4 star general special forces bronco buster biker ph.d candidate so trust me i know more than you how you should play your military pc on a Battlestar game ect…I mean all those are places where it’s dumb and irrelevant to flex like that.
But like I also know fandom and the last thing I want is somebody up my ass so far I might as well be a costume about a comic character that I know has extensive history and crap that I don’t want to deal with people getting massively triggered by. For the same reason I stay away from mushes set in highly popular worlds. No Harry Potter, no GoT, I did try a buffy game event though I hate the TV show but
@mietze said in MU Peeves Thread:
But like I also know fandom and the last thing I want is somebody up my ass so far I might as well be a costume about a comic character that I know has extensive history and crap that I don’t want to deal with people getting massively triggered by.
Honestly, in my experience the ratio of obnoxious know-it-all dipshits coming at you directly over something was about the same as anywhere else you mentioned, and they really spent most of their time on long pointless arguments with each other on easily ignored channels instead.
Most superhero MU people seem to share the unspoken understanding that like, actually playing a character 100% accurate to their 80+ year comic history is a bugfuck insane proposition and everyone is just playing their favorite interpretation anyway, if not picking up someone they actually know very little about just for the fun of it. There is an expectation that you don’t take a well-known character entirely off the rails, I guess, but all instances of not knowing some obscure history that I ever personally saw were just handwaved away.
YMMV, but I never felt like someone was going to skin suit me, lol. They’re popular and enduring games for a reason.
Every few days I wake up feeling creatively inspired and motivated to start something new. Roll up a new concept, join a new game/community, maybe even start my own game. The ideas and plans really turn into these full-fledged beings and worlds just begging to be written. Sometimes I even reach out to friends on Discord and let them know that I’m warming up to dive back into MU*dom or that I want to embark on an ambitious project.
Unfortunately, then I look at the date and realise I’m already late to meet RL deadlines. In the background, my mysteriously athletic Siberian Husky (seriously, how and when did my pandemic puppy get this buff?) makes her stance clear that if I’m awake enough to be sitting at my laptop, I am definitely awake enough to be giving her the first of 2-3 hours of exercise she’s owed, and no amount of focus will be permitted today until she’s been tired into a coma. And so the muse continuously dies unspent.
I miss escapism and creative writing.
That constant feel that no one wants to RP with you, but knowing that nearly everyone feels that way about everyone. And seeing the cycle that kills any RP
Except those times you know for cetain it’s really you.
When you finally screw up the courage to reach out to someone about RPing with them, and they’re like “Sure that’d be awesome” and you set it up for the next day because just reaching out took so much of your mental fortitude and you need to recharge before you actually do the RP. And then the next day comes and you page them and get no response. And your anxiety and insecurity just immediately kicks in full force and convinces you that nobody gives a shit about you or your character or wants you around. And so after waiting a few hours with no response despite the person talking actively on a shared channel, you quietly log out and don’t log back in for over a year.
It’s been a year, you’re not logging in to play, mostly just to say Merry Christmas to someone. You start reading through all the bulletin board posts that you’ve missed.
You read a post by someone dated like a month after you last logged in mentioning that they struggle with anxiety so if they seem like they’re uninterested or they aren’t reaching out it’s not because they don’t want to RP, and then that one person who never responded to you has replied to the post like ‘Same >_<’. And you get a sinking feeling in your stomach. And you keep going through the BB posts and that person who never responded has made a post 2 months later explaining they’re going on hiatus and dropping their characters because their anxiety has made it almost impossible for them get RP and play.
And you sit there feeling bad because maybe if you’d had the confidence to at least just page them a second time to make sure they hadn’t just missed the first one then maybe they’d have had someone else to RP with and not felt so isolated.
And then you feel even worse because you realize that even with the knowledge that other people are going through the exact same struggle and all you need to do is reach out, nothing will change because your anxiety doesn’t care about logic and it’s always just going to assume the worst and you’re never gonna get to enjoy this hobby that always gets you so excited when making a character because your brain is a jerk that hates you.
That’s like, I dunno, a peeve or something I guess.
No good advice, only love. You are not alone in those feelings. I wish I had something helpful, but…idk. You seem to know that it’s not your fault, but if it helps to have somebody not in your head saying it, it’s not your fault.
@IoleRae Thanks
It sucks, and I know there’s a lot of us out there that struggle with this kinda junk. I feel like it helps reassure me a little bit every time I’m reminded that I’m not the only one that goes through it, even if it’s not necessarily enough to magically ‘fix’ anything. So, hopefully someone else gets that same little bit of reassurance from my rant.
I want to RP but I don’t want to RP.
There’s also the dreaded. “Sorry can’t do any RP right now. RL” then less than 30 minutes later. Your alleged RP group is RPing withoujt you.
People have metaphorical balls. If I lie to someone because I don’t want to rp with them but also don’t want the drama of saying “no, but just you” then I log tf out.
I want to RP somewhere new where I don’t immediately have to deal with some kind of weird established sexual culture.
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
I want to RP somewhere new where I don’t immediately have to deal with some kind of weird established sexual culture.
So no Werewolf spheres then.
Aside. That’s a tall ask even on some new games out of the gate.
@Wuff said in MU Peeves Thread:
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
I want to RP somewhere new where I don’t immediately have to deal with some kind of weird established sexual culture.
So no Werewolf spheres then.
Aside. That’s a tall ask even on some new games out of the gate.
It really shouldn’t be a tall ask.
@farfalla said in MU Peeves Thread:
I want to RP but I don’t want to RP.
Is it weird that this is mostly why I decided that if I run a game, I’m not exactly RPing, I’m “GMing”?
Oddly by putting it in that context for myself, doing the latter is much easier than doing the former.
@bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Wuff said in MU Peeves Thread:
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
I want to RP somewhere new where I don’t immediately have to deal with some kind of weird established sexual culture.
So no Werewolf spheres then.
Aside. That’s a tall ask even on some new games out of the gate.
It really shouldn’t be a tall ask.
Depends on what one means by “deal with” and “established sexual culture.”
Get a plurality of adults together playing pretend then eventually, someone’s gonna put a part of their anatomy inside someone else’s.