RL Peeves
@GF This is hugely frustrating to me. When I have good, wholesome stuff at home to eat, but my brain is just like NO. GO OUT. GO OUT AND GET FOOD.
@Pyrephox I don’t even mean wholesome, I mean actually good. I have a perfectly decent jambalaya, some pretty kick-ass noodles, and a chicken noodle soup I’d confidently stack against anyone’s; but no, me want garbage in mouf pls
I’m exhausted, I feel sweaty and gross and its not even the hottest its going to get this week but hot damn I got this tabletop air purifier (same brand that my school used during covid) and I don’t even give a fuck if it really purifies the air or not bc the air comes put cool and I am surviving by having it blasting in my face (I put it on my nightstand) while I’m in bed. Hell I don’t even know if this is a peeve or a love.
@mietze I’m sorry you are suffering the burdens of corporeal existence. FLESH IS THE WORST. I was honestly thinking about the fact that my friends have gone from ‘moisturize’ to ‘moisturize and use retinol’ and pretty soon we’ll be talking about hot flashes.
I have very bad insomnia, and accordingly I get prescribed very good sleeping pills.
This morning I accidentally took them 30 minutes before I’d intended to leave the house, instead of my wake-up dose.
Oh no, that’s not a fun whoops to start the day with.
Just had to go to the battery store to get a battery for my car key, which is an idea that kind of stopped me dead in my tracks. What a wasteful fucking concept, you know? What a stupid thing to do.
There’s no public pool in the town we moved to during the pandemic so I have been researching all the various “clubs” in the area that offer pools so long as you are a member, but they don’t list anything about membership on their sites, because you can’t even get on the waitlist unless you have two current members vouch for you, but of course they don’t publish their membership lists so it’s a real you already have to know the right people kind of thing. Completely ridiculous.
But come to find out that to join the country club around here you need to pay a $65,000 joining fee. Just to join. That’s like TWO CARS! Two years of college! Got curious and looked up how much it would be to join other country clubs in the area. The best one was the town we moved away from. $500,000 joining fee.
Like. If you have $500,000 for a joining fee you already have a pool you can enjoy. Possibly several. That’s a HOUSE!
What the fuck. I just want to be able to bring my kids to a pool!
@DrQuinn Country clubs fall under the “if you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford to buy it” rule.
@insomniac used to manage a store in a mall that had an entire wing devoted to high end retailers like Balenciaga and Hermes. I have met “the right kind of people” and can assure you that I wish I hadn’t.
(Also, YMCA maybe?)
because you can’t even get on the waitlist unless you have two current members vouch for you, but of course they don’t publish their membership lists so it’s a real you already have to know the right people kind of thing. Completely ridiculous.
Ugh that happened to me. I was like… come on, I’ve lived in this community for almost ten years. I’m a volunteer for the community ambulance service. I can get you as many references as you need but I don’t know if I even know anybody at your flipping club.
It wasn’t even a fancy schmancy country club, it was just a community pool club.
@Aria There isn’t one nearby–there’s a couple in neighboring communities, but honestly the further away they are the less likely that we’ll use them so I was really hoping there’d be a reasonable option nearby. We live RIGHT up the road from what used to be a splash pad and a beach on a pond…that closed during the pandemic and now they say they can’t reopen because it’s in a state of disrepair. Sigh.
My RL Peeve right now is my cat and his homocidal desires towards me.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong in my life but this was the second time I had to unfollow Facebook’s automatic recommendations of some pretty right-wing videos this week.
Mind you, I don’t even like being targeted for propaganda with political beliefs I actually have.
Plus I’m Canadian, leave me alone Zuck!
@Arkandel Apparently, a bunch of the shit I’m interested in online ‘extracurricularly’ is more commonly enjoyed by right-wingers and it seems like algs decide that being interested in scholarly legal publications or writing for scholarly legal publications means I want to nail my libtard neighbor to a cross or host a bbq for Jordan Peterson while Prager U for Kids is blaring in the background.
Lazy algs are fun.
I want chocolate with crispy rice bits in it.
I also want an assurance that neither chocolate nor crispy rice bits were harvested by child slaves.
@GF You can have one or the other but not both.
@TNP So it seems, yes.