Finished Love Between Fairy and Devil. Is there a reason they can’t say angel? Because they clearly mean angel and not fairy.
That was me for like the last five episodes. I really liked it. Was there filler? Yes. But they took a trope and I think did some clever things with it. There were REASONS for things and I’m sure I missed a lot of stuff that was coded in there that a regular Chinese audience would’ve picked up on, but I thought it was really well done.
And that budget! So many gorgeous costumes!
Definitely recommend even if Orchid’s dumb voice grated on me for most of it. And that’s not me being mean, she’s definitely doing a dumb-girl bit with it and uuuuugh.
I am always a sucker for an All Loving Hero though.
And Jieli is the best character (though the Black Dragon was close second). Should’ve been more Jieli!