@shit-piss-love said in But Why:
@STD My experience was more that if you are playing a character whose goals run at odds with the norm, and you’re trying to do it in a way that respects the consent of others, your situation is that you will succeed at nothing unless those others consent to lose.
My take is that in a setting/theme where there’s a clear-ish line between villains and heroes, choosing to take a villain role means you consent to lose. The aggrievating bit for me hasn’t been losing but having ex machina stuff keep my long-simmering thoughtful villainous schemes to a low challenge-rating so heroes could thoughtlessly foil them between tea-parties. And that’s actually something I feel like a villain’s player consents to, just not every time.
More relevant to the thread is the disturbing experience of playing a nuanced villain and finding the heroes are all just as horrible, but the narrative never acknowledges it.
@mietze said in But Why:
My experience with most “I’m the Villian” people (but certainly not all) was that they tended to be ready to accuse people oocly of being not as great/hardcore a RPer at them, not wanting good stories, ect when rolls or RP didn’t go their way. Just like a lot of people who aren’t villains, but there was a lot more just…personal attacks.
I associate that with the themes where everybody’s morally ambiguous at best, and players who don’t identify their PC as a villain, but want to play a ‘dark hero’ and are all cheesed off that people aren’t playing along with a fantasy of being both intimidating and admired.